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Keith POV

Lance runs in, "Guess what? I think Griffin was trying to make his move! Veronica and I went to ask something of Pidge, and there he was, sitting so close and looking uncomfortable. He also gave her a Coke!!! I give him points for trying."

Keith cannot even process what Lance is saying right now! It's like his mind literally froze. Finally, he manages to get out, "How did Pidge respond?"

Lance replies, "Eh, she seemed confused. Anyway once we got there he left...but he did run his fingers down her arm, so that was a thing. Then Veronica said how he might like her and Pidge did that thing where she changes the subject. They got all technical so I left. I should go tell the guys."

Keith feels ill. Shit, what if Pidge likes him?! What is he going to do?

All of sudden, Lance goes, "WHAT?! Wait, why does it matter if she likes him?" And Keith can feel himself getting warmer, so he stands and says, "Don't you have somewhere you are supposed to be?"

Unfortunately for him, Lance never responds like he should. "No, wait, the only reason it would matter was YOU like Pidge???"

"Fuck!" Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. What am I doing?

Lance is beyond himself now. "Keith, my man, why didn't you say anything? I am on your team way more than Griffin's. I can be an excellent wingman, you should know! Now, I know you have trouble with feeling and words, but c'mon you were just gonna let this happened? Nope, I can totally see you and Pidge together. This is gonna happen."

Keith lets his head bang onto the table. What have I done? Lance seriously??? But if the alternative is letting Griffin in, shit, I'll take all the help I can, I guess.

"Ok, what should I do?"

Pidge's POV

Veronica seriously can be as bad as Lance. Who would've thunk?

Veronica says so calmly, "So you and Griffin?? Funny, I kinda thought you and Keith were a thing?"

Pidge looks up, and gulps lots of air, " What? Why? Did you hear something?"

"I dunno, you and Keith just have some mind meld going on, not to mention his space wolf really loves the two of you, I kinda figured he picked up on your guys' bond. But hey, you and Griffin are cool. If that's a thing, do you think Keith would be interested in me?"

Pidge seriously cannot compute all the info coming her way. She takes a deep breath, "I don't know what you mean about Griffin and I. He seems kinda rigid about rules, and me not so much. Plus, I don't know him. How could I like him?" Just keep avoiding the whole Keith thing, dang does Veronica really like him? She's so pretty...

Veronica starts to laugh, "Seriously girl, he's wicked hot! Isn't that enough?? Plus he seems to be singling you out for attention. 'Pidge, wanna see the things I found, Pidge here's a coke, Pidge I'll go on a walk with you.' Girl, he's totally into you! So many girls are vying for his attention back at the garrison and he pays them zero mind! But with you, he actually tries. But, no pressure, unless you like someone else?!"

Pidge, doesn't know what to think. "Honestly Veronica, I had no clue. I, mean, boys and I aren't really a thing. I liked a couple of guys in school but that seems like ages ago and it was like a crush, nothing real. But seriously, I'd like to show you these maps. It totally changes the trajectory that we need to be on if they are accurate. So can we refocus on the mission?" I really cannot think about this stuff right now, and more so I refuse to think about how I felt, safely tucked into Keith's arms or how he makes me feel safe. I'm just not that girl, he totally deserves an Acxa or Veronica. Sigh.

Keith POV

So that was weird.

Now Lance is team 'Kidge' whatever that means. Dinner is coming up and I still don't know how to do this. Lance wasn't very clear. I figure washing up cannot hurt so I clean up and walk into the area we designated as our main gathering spot. I walk in and take the room at a glance. Pidge is not here yet. So ok, maybe I should go get her? Shit here she is, late and flustered. She suddenly trips and I instinctively move, catching her arm and balancing her. She looks up and smiles, "Thanks for the assist." I reply, "Anytime." I should let her go, but I don't instead I just keep looking in her eyes. And I feel my breath literally get stuck. I smile and instinctively rub my thumbs in circles on her arm. I can't help it. I kinda wish I could just scoop her up and be close to her. She doesn't move away which is a good thing. And then she kinda sways toward me when Kinkade asks if the food is ready. We both move apart and turn see Griffin who is staring at us. Whatever, I hope he read way more into that than what I currently got going on.

No ones POV

Dinner is good, lots of joking and sharing. Lance shares some stories, sneakily focusing on missions that highlight Pidge and Keith's compatibility. Veronica knows what he's doing and is currently not taking a side. She honestly doesn't know who is a better fit for the young girl, but finds herself feeling strangely protective.  She could see her insecurity and it triggers her big sister genes so yeah, she's going to be keeping an eye on this situation. Plus for all Lance's bragging, he's not exactly an ace in the romance department!

In the meantime, Lance has secretly told the group what he found out and wants them all to focus on helping the couple become an actual couple. For Matt and Shiro, this just solidifies what Matt's gut was telling him. For obvious reason, both are totally on board. Hunk was totally excited and wants to share with Allura and Romelle, but the guys talk him out of it. If it doesn't end in Keith's favor, the less people who know its for the best. Hunk instead vows to talk to Pidge and see if he could see what she's thinking.

The mood is relaxed in the cave until Griffin decides to make his move. He gets up and walks up to Pidge, "Hey, wanna go for a walk?" She looks up, kinda confused and says, "Where? We are in a cave?" He gets a little flustered but preserves and says, "Just around" and hold out his hand. She shrugs and says "Ooooo-Kay."

Keith knows he cannot stop them but he's super annoyed. He also stands and says, "Hey lights out in 10. We need to leave early in the morning, I'll take the first shift of watch."

Pidge replies, "Gotcha, I'll take second watch, wake me when it's my turn." Keith nods abruptly, and an hurt look crosses her face, unseen by Keith. Lance sees and feels like tripping Keith.

Pidge POV

So I'm walking with James. It's kind weird. There really is no where to go and he walks pretty fast. I don't want to say hey, I'm shorter than you so can you slow it down but seriously! He should notice! I wonder if Veronica is right and he likes me. I mean she wouldn't lie but it's not like she knows for sure. If he does, I'm not sure what he sees in me. I'm not pretty like Allura, or even cool like Veronica. I'm just me. I look up at him in the shadows, and sure he's cute. I mean I'm not blind! He's tall, definitely in shape, and he's got like this solidness that is reassuring. Honestly, he kinda reminds me of Keith...if Keith had a normal upbringing of course. Dang, why am I thinking about Keith again?

James stops and takes my hand, Quiznak!

"Katie, so I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, with the whole stay back thing. I guess, I just wanted you to be safe. And I know you can take care of yourself but I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry."

"Hey no worries. I understand."

Then he replies, "So I don't want to make things awkward but I also want my intentions known. <huh?> I know you just got back to Earth. And you probably are just getting used to things again. And I know my timing sucks, but I also don't want to wait for a perfect time cuz honestly they just don't exist anymore. Anyways, you intrigue me. And I guess I'd like to get to know you better. So I hope that you want to get to know me better too."

Wow. I think I blink, then I take my glasses off. I look up and reply, "Gee thanks. (Omg who says things like that?!?) Um okay."

He smiles, and leans his head down to kiss my forehead. "Ok, then" Kiss to the forehead? That was weird...but then he grabs my hand and we turn around and walk back to the main room. Still holding hands. It feels nice, they are warm and strong. Plus this way he is walking slower so there's that.

Katie Holt, I presume Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon