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Hi all! I hope you like this chapter! Please keep the likes and feedback up! It really keeps me motivated and I'd love to finish this story!!!

Keith is trying really hard to stay focused. But it's so damn hard. Shit, that's probably the understatement of the century. All this time he was oblivious to his feelings about Pidge and now, in the middle of a mission, he's confusing reality and dreams. In fact, he can hear Griffin's complaints through Kinkade's piece while he can tell Lance has left the bar and is heading to the room he and Veronica have. He wants to tell Kinkade to leave as well but he knows at least one-someone is shadowing them and he doesn't want to give anything away, especially not the fact that he can communicate with others. Or that there are others.

All the while, he's desperately trying to get his body under control, keep his mind sharp and somehow keep Pidge safe. Which is much harder than it should be. He keeps thinking that he CAN'T let something happen to her. Not now. That was NOT the way he planned their first kiss...shit, not that I planned anything! Fuck. Quiznack!

But now he feels like he's starting to lose control and that's not good. He knows he isn't thinking his best, because he has to keep trying to refocus on the situation at hand and not at the fact that he just kissed Pidge in front of everyone. In front of Griffin. Especially in front of Griffin. And you can bet that Griffin isn't buying this was just what needed to happened for their cover to work. Hell, he didn't need to use the cover of marriage to begin with!! So there's that. But he doesn't regret what he did either, in fact, even now he can't help the small smirk that he's sporting.


In fact, the biggest plus or upside is that Pidge didn't fight him with the kiss. I mean it could be the mission but, damn I need to focus! So when he sees the opportunity to duck in a dark alley he takes it hoping that he can catch the person following them and catch them off guard. He trusts Pidge to adjust and hopes he isn't making a mistake, by leading the two of them down a dark alley. But he wants to know what they're dealing with before they get to the room and possibly risk the others OR any innocent people. He's walked them to a more deserted part of town so hopefully the guy makes his move and he doesn't regret this. 

When Pidge indicates that the guy is a Blade, he's barely able to stop himself from hurting him. He tells the guy to talk and waits, not trusting the situation. He knows the guys back at the hotel can hear and he hopes they are ready for anything that comes up.

The Blade operative goes limp, trying to make himself less of a threat, which Keith appreciates. He says, "Kogane, I saw you in the bar and just wanted to see what your objective is. We are trying to track the Galra, but we think they are hiding and recruiting humans. It is hard for us to assimilate here or blend in. I did not mean any harm to you or your mate. My sincerest apologies." He bows his head and waits.

Keith slowly nods, keeping Pidge behind him, and lets the operative up all the while keeping his body between the Blade and Pidge. "Okay, we can meet in our room tomorrow morning. I need to speak to my team. 9 am-Hotel Sunset-Main Boulevard-room 1308. And I'm at a disadvantage since I don't know your name..."

"It's Yzax, I will be there. Knowledge or death."

Keith replies, "Knowledge or death." After Yzax leaves, he holds a finger to his ear and murmurs, "You got that guys?"

Lance replies, "Affirmative, gonna change and how about we meet in your room to rehash and plan? In what, let's say two hours? Guess today is gonna be a long one! No sleep."

Kinkade replies, "Sure, Griffin and I are going to get a room in the same hotel and will sneak on up."

Keith can hear Griffin complaining but can't quite make out the words. It's probably for the best, so he replies, "Affirmative. Kogane out."

He turns off his earpiece and finally turns to Pidge. She looks amazing. And Keith can't help but just stare at her, just for a minute, or more. Then she smiles and says, "So hubs, what a honeymoon huh?"

Keith huffs out a laugh, "Yeah, sure." He rubs his neck awkwardly with his left hand, should he bring up the kiss? Should he kiss her again? I mean, here they are, in a dirty alley on a mission that has gone sideways into hell and yet. He rubs his hands up and down his face after re-sheathing his blade.

Her smile really just lights up her face, and Keith suddenly gets caught, lost in the glow of her eyes, her scent which is crazy since hello alley.  But the heat of her body is calling him. He finds himself swaying towards her when suddenly she pulls him close, grabs his knife and throws as she holds onto him so she can lean over. Keith can hear the impact even though he can't see anything. He turns, moving immediately, to see a Galra soldier 10 feet away, in the recess of the alley with a glowing blade sticking out of his chest.

Keith moves forward and says "Who are you? What do you want?"

Unfortunately, while Pidge's aim is true, he must have taken a pill and he's not going to be able to talk. Pidge looks distraught, she murmurs, "I'm sorry...he had his blade in his hand, I didn't think, but, I couldn't let him throw!" Keith nods, but internally notes, that his own blade is illuminated...which shouldn't happen when anyone else but him touches it. He pushes that fact to the side and shoves it down into the box of stuff to think about later. He starts to go through the Galra's possessions, looking for a clue. Nothing happens but he does take his communication device figuring Pidge could hack in later.

He turns to Pidge, "It's okay, WE are okay. But let's get out of here before anyone else comes. Leave him, and by the way, you didn't actually kill him. I think he took a poison capsule to eliminate the possibility of giving up any information. So yeah, I just wanted you to know but thanks."

He places his arm around her and they walk back to the room, again acting like they were just enjoying each other's time and are in no rush. Keith once again took a circuitous route, just to be careful. However, once in the room, he pushes her towards the bathroom, "Go first." But she looks so lost and sad. "Hey, you saved my life! I'm sorry you had to but there's no one else I trust more than you. Kay, arms of Voltron and all that?" His voice kinda died off at the end, not sure if he is helping or not.

Pidge looks up at him, and for a minute he questioned if he said the right thing, dang this wouldn't happen if Hunk or Lance were here. They would know what to say, how to help! Then , suddenly, she is in his arms, holding on to him to tight. She's a perfect fit...and he just holds her, hoping it's enough. He tentatively strokes his hand over her back and settles on holding her tight. She's grown as well and her head fits nicely in his shoulder, he can't help but notice. Finally she lifts her head, "Thanks for that reminder. I'll grab some clean clothes, shower then it's your turn."

Keith nods, loathe to let her go, but finally does. She goes on her tiptoes, kisses his cheek, and moves about the room, grabbing her stuff and finally goes into the bathroom. Keith finally lets out a breath, and he can't help the smile that warms his face. This day may have been complicated and definitely not according to plan but Keith counts it as a win. His team didn't lose anyone and he's 'married' to Pidge. He leans agains the wall next to bathroom, sinking to the floor and tries not to focus on the rustling of clothes being discarded, toilet flushing or the shower starting. He shakes his head and focuses on getting stuff organized and making an internal list of stuff to do. They will be meeting in here shortly, so food and drinks are probably required. He's also got to check in with base. They need to decide if the Blades are on the same path they are.

But, if he stops and stares at the door for a little while, who's the wiser?!?

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