Honeymoon Love

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"I don't want to get up." Luke whispered softly into Michael's bare chest, interrupting their silence that had been festering since they woke up.

Michael let out a breath and ran his fingertips up and down Luke's also bare back. He pressed a kiss to his head before speaking.

"We only have five days left here, though."

"That's plenty of time. I want to lay here with my husband."

Michael smiled at the word husband. He couldn't believe he had Luke all to himself for the rest of their lives.

"And I want to go swimming with my husband. We have a pool fifty feet away, just for the two of us. C'mon, baby.."

Michael dug his face in Luke's neck and began peppering kisses to his skin, causing the boy to squirm in his arms.

"Stop it.." Luke tried to sound convincing but he failed miserably, secretly loving the feeling of Michael's lips on him.

Michael shook his head, "Not until you get up and go in the water with me."

The older man continued his assault of kisses until Luke finally gave in. "You win, you big baby."

Luke got out of the bed and went over to his suitcase. He picked out a pair of boxers and swim shorts to wear and slid both up his legs. Michael did the same before they both opened their balcony door and stepped onto their deck with the large infinity pool.

Michael knew that he made the right decision of letting Luke pick the destination for their honeymoon. Fiji had been amazing for the first couple days and knew he wouldn't want to leave when it came to their last.

Michael got in the water before Luke and motioned his now husband to come join him.

Luke took his time entering the water, shivering as he got deeper and made his way toward Michael.

However, that wasn't good enough for Michael. He made grabby hands toward Luke and said, "Come here, my love."

Luke got to Michael and wrapped his arms around his pale shoulders so he could cling himself onto the man. With his legs also wrapped around Michael's waist, the older man held his grip on Luke's thighs.

The curly haired man rested the side of his face on the top of Michael's head and closed his eyes. It was so quiet and peaceful in their own little paradise.

Michael slowly brought them to the edge of the pool and turned his body so both of them could enjoy the pretty view that their hotel had to offer.

Luke kept his head against Michael's and sighed, "Can we move here?"

Michael smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm sure this place doesn't allow pets. What would we do with all of our fur babies?"'

"Sneak them in." Luke said without hesitation, making Michael giggle.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Lu."

Luke huffed and unhooked his legs from around Michael's torso. He swam to the other side of the pool and sat on the stairs that led into it. Michael followed, of course, and sat next to him.

They woke up later than usual that morning; the sun had already risen and people had already started their days, yet they still hadn't eaten breakfast.

Luke was sitting on the stair below Michael's, and laid his back against his chest. The older boy's legs were on either side of him and he rested his arms on top of Michael's thighs.

"We should order room service." Luke piped up, looking up at Michael, who nodded.

"What do you want?"

As Luke thought about his options, Michael played with his curly hair and restyled it since it got wet from swimming.

"I'm in the mood for some pancakes."

Michael snorted, "I booked a five star hotel for our honeymoon and you want pancakes? I could make those myself, baby."

Luke shook his head, "What baby wants, baby gets."

"Don't worry, I've known that for the last three years," Michael kissed the back of Luke's head before scooting him forward, "Let's get out and dry off, I'll order you some pancakes."

"If you keep being so nice I might even share a pancake with you." Luke said as they got out of the pool.

"If you keep being so sassy I might have to teach you a lesson." Michael fired back, getting the menu that the hotel provided.

Luke changed into some dry clothes and buried himself back in their covers and blankets. "Jokes on you, I'll probably enjoy it."

"If only I knew you'd be this difficult as my husband.." Michael joked.

Luke gasped and stood up on their bed. He came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Michael's shoulders. "You love me as your husband. I'm the best husband."

Michael grinned as Luke peppered kisses up and down his cheeks and along his neck. He'd never get used to Luke's affection.

"I don't know..it's already 11am and I haven't gotten any blowjobs yet.."

Luke knelt down on the bed and turned Michael around. They kissed a few times before the younger man pulled away.

"We still have time before the food gets here.."

Michael laid down on the mess of blankets while Luke situated himself above him. He placed a single kiss to his lips before speaking.

"Then use it wisely."

— • — • — • —

i haven't written in so long my summer has been so busy since i've gotten out of school

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