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possible trigger warning-mentions of depression

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Michael let out a sigh as he put the carrier in the backseat of his car, making sure it wouldn't fall off the seat during the drive. He heard tiny scratched against the walls of the carrier, and he just wanted to take the animal out and cuddle him.

On the way to his favorite person's house, he thought about how Luke had been feeling lately, knowing the past week was harder than usual.

Luke had been dealing with depression for a while, and he had been feeling so bad about himself lately. He had days where he was fine, and felt okay with how he looked. But most days he hated himself. The blond hated being alone with himself and his thoughts that were slowly eating away at his happiness.

Michael knew there was only so much he could do for his lover. He knew he couldn't cure his depression or make it go away instantly, even though he would wish upon a thousand stars for that to be true. He did everything to make sure Luke was feeling as best as he could, even on his worst days.

He pulled into Luke's driveway and got the carrier out from the car before heading inside. Michael noticed that the downstairs was completely empty, so he went upstairs to Luke's bedroom.

He opened the door to Luke's dark room, sighing because he hadn't even opened his blinds at three in the afternoon.

"Hey, Baby.." Michael said softly, making his way over to Luke's bed where the blond was laying under his mass of blankets.

Luke moved under his covers, peeking his face from underneath them. "Hi, Mikey."

Michael set the carrier down in front of the bed and was glad that Luke hadn't noticed. He sat down next to Luke on the edge of the bed and moved the blond hair out of the boy's face.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he rubbed the small boy's arm.

Luke shook his head and said, "Not that good, but it's nice to see your face."

Michael gave him a small smile and had Luke sit up against the head board. Luke tried to refuse, but Michael showered him with kisses so he listened.

"What's that?" Luke asked as Michael brought the carrier on Luke's bed.

Michael stopped and grabbed his boyfriend's hand in his.

"Look, I know how hard it's been lately, and I know it's been worse than usual. But I'm always going to be here for you every step of the way. And I can't make you completely happy, I know that. I wanted to get you something, or someone that can hopefully do what I can't."

Luke was still confused, until Michael opened the caged door of the carrier and pulled out a small, grey and white kitten. He gasped softly and covered mouth with his hands.

"Michael.." Luke whispered as the older boy handed him the small animal. There were already tears in the boy's eyes, threatening to spill over.

"You've been wanting one, and for the days where I can't be with you, you have a little friend to keep you company." Michael explained, watching Luke pet the kitten's head.

The kitten mewled and pawed at Luke's shirt. He tried to climb up the boy's chest, only getting his claws stuck in his shirt.

Luke giggled through his tears as the kitten made his way onto his shoulder, pawing at his hair.

"Do you like him?" Michael asked, already knowing the answer.

Luke nodded, "I love him. Does he have a name yet?"

Michael shook his head, "You get to choose, Baby."

The small boy looked at the kitten as he continued to meow before coming to a conclusion.


"That's perfect," Michael said as he scratched the cat's ear, "I also have a bag of food and some toys in my car..we can get them later."

Luke leaned forward and kissed Michael's lips. "I love you so much. Thank you, Baby."

Michael sat himself next to Luke and let the kitten crawl onto his lap as well. He rested the side of his head on Luke's.

"I just want you to be as happy as you can be. I'm not saying that this will make you happy all the time, but for the times I can't, hopefully Milo can." Michael explained.

Luke kissed the older boy's cheek, before picking up Milo so he could give Michael a kiss as well. The blond didn't know how he got so lucky. He was an angel and Luke wondered how he ever got a hold of him.

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i don't know depression pls don't get mad at me if i got something wrong

for those of you who celebrate christmas, what was one thing you asked for?

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