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Luke was so excited to spend Christmas with Michael. The previous year, their first Christmas together, they decorated the apartment into their own little winter wonderland. Luke looked forward to cuddling Michael in front of the fireplace and maybe even a make out session or two.

The younger boy slowly walked down the stairs Christmas morning, upset that his lover wasn't there when he woke up. He made his way into the kitchen, his mood lifting when he saw his Mikey making breakfast.

"You didn't wait for me? Do I have to switch your present for coal?" Luke joked, hugging Michael from behind as his boyfriend smiled.

"It was getting late and you still hadn't woken up. These pancakes won't make themselves." Michael planted a 'good morning' kiss to Luke's lips before turning back to the stove where three pancakes were cooking.

Luke pressed little kisses to Michael's back. "We have all the time in the world."

Michael turned around and handed Luke a plate with two pancakes and syrup on the side.

"We actually have to be at your mum's at noon."

Luke kissed Michael's pale cheek and sat down at the table before digging into his pancakes.

Michael followed soon after with his and sat next to his boyfriend. Breakfast consisted of Michael trying to steal bites of Luke's pancakes and Luke smearing syrup on the older boy's face.

After six hours at Luke's old house, Michael found himself yawning as he drove the two home, his boyfriend half passed out next to him. Michael tightly held Luke's hand in his as the younger boy rolled his head onto the middle compartment.

Jack and Ben thought it would be the funniest idea if they teamed up and got their baby brother drunk on Christmas.

After three spiked eggnogs, two vodka crans and quarter bottle of Jack Daniels, Luke could barely hold his head up.

And of course, Michael was left to deal with a drunk Luke.

Michael softly rubbed his thumb over the back of Luke's hand as the boy mumbled incoherent words to either him or himself, Michael wasn't too sure.

What he was sure of, was Luke saying he had to throw up.

"Are you serious?" Michael glanced at Luke before looking at the road again.

Luke let out a few mumbled and moans and Michael pulled over. He was not willing to risk Luke throwing up in his car.

Once he stopped, Michael got out and helped Luke get out from the other side, not even making it five feet before the drunk boy bent down and threw up on the pavement.

Michael sighed and took out his phone, taking a video and sending it to Luke's brothers with a text that read,

"Thank you for leaving me to deal with this. Merry Christmas to me"

Right away he got replies from both brothers, thinking it was even funnier than before.

Luke slowly walked over to Michael with a frown on his face. "Do you have water?"

Michael nodded and reached into the car and grabbed a water bottle that was on the floor and unscrewed the cap before giving it to Luke.

Michael watched as the younger boy cleaned out his mouth before spitting the water out and handing the bottle back to him.

Luke furrowed his brows and dug his face into Michael's chest, hugging him lazily.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" Michael rubbed Luke's back comfortingly, just wanting to get his boyfriend to sleep, "I know you're tired."

Michael got Luke back in his seat and into his own before starting their now twenty minute ride home.

When they finally arrived at their apartment, Michael carried Luke, who was now sleeping, through the front door and into their room.

The curly haired boy woke up when Michael laid him down on their bed. He hazily watched as Michael pulled off his jeans and put sweatpants on him, leaving his black t-shirt on.

Michael got in next to him after he changed as well and pulled Luke closer. "Do you have to throw up again?"

He felt Luke shake his head against his chest. "M'fine." Michael slowly ran his fingertips over Luke's back, trying to ease him to sleep.

"We'll have a nice, lazy day tomorrow, alright?"

Luke hummed and nodded, gripping Michael's shirt every once in a while.

"Merry Christmas, Mikey, love you so much." Luke somehow managed to mumble.

Michael pressed a warm kiss to Luke's head, "I love you Lu, Marry Christmas, baby."

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not really that christmasy but i'm also not in the christmas spirit this year

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