Ice Baby

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Luke cheered along with the rest of the large crowd, the loud buzzer sounding throughout the stadium. He stayed off to side as to not get overwhelmed by the amount of people screaming and cheering for their favorite team.

He rested his hand on the four month-old baby bump that was slightly shown from the large New York Rangers jersey that he was wearing in support of his love that was currently on the ice.

The blond giggled and covered his mouth as he watched Michael check his opponent into the clear wall right in front of him. He wasn't sure if Michael knew where he was standing, but he thought it was sexy, nonetheless.

He silently cheered as he saw Michael with the puck, gliding across the ice with ease. Michael had taken him ice skating many times, it was even their second date. But the blond was too lanky and unbalanced to ever be successful at the sport. On the other hand, Michael was amazing.

Luke stopped yelling and cheering after he felt that it was disturbing the little one inside his belly. He felt him kick inside of the stretched skin, making him groan out. He kept his small palm on his stomach, trying to ease the little human.

All of a sudden, Luke heard the crowd erupt in roars and cheers. He looked up and saw Michael's teammates surrounding him by the opposite team's net. He immediately started clapping his hands once he realized that Michael had scored, again.

"Your daddy just scored another goal." He whispered to his stomach.

Luke would often find himself talking to the little baby growing inside of him. Michael would never call him out on it because the older boy knew he did the same thing late at night when Luke was asleep. The bump wasn't that noticeable, but the thin material of Michael's away-jersey made it stick out the tiniest bit.

The blond sneaked himself out of the arena and showed the security guards his VIP lanyard that he carried with him at every game. He was pretty sure the security guards knew who he was, after the countless times the couple reunited after every single hockey game.

After the game had ended, Luke waited patiently outside of the locker room until his love was ready. The biggest smile showed on his face as Michael walked out of the room with his gear in a bag that was hanging over his shoulder. The older man looked around until he spotted his princess who was waiting for him.

"Congrats, Baby." Luke said before Michael pressed their lips together in a much needed kiss.

"Thank you, Lukey. Did you see me check that bastard against the wall? Did it all for you." Luke shook his head and rested his palms on Michael's red cheeks.

"I've never asked you to hurt other people. You do it for fun." Michael hummed in reply, smiling as he bent down in front of Luke's stomach.

"And how has my little prince been, hm? Has he been behaving himself?" Michael lifted the hem of his own jersey and pressed cold kisses to Luke's barely stretched skin.

"You know he doesn't do much yet, but he will in a couple months." Luke informed as he tried to fix Michael's unruly hair.

Michael continued to kiss over Luke's belly, "I'm so excited." He said, the smile on his face still present. Luke nodded in agreement, knowing the hockey player would be the best dad ever.

Michael stood back up and grabbed Luke's hand, pulling him toward the exit after he slung his bag over his shoulder. He slid his hand to the blond's back as he opened the door for the two of them, as well as the door of their Range Rover.

"Is there an after party?" Luke questioned as Michael started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot.

Michael nodded, "There's always an after party, but I told them I was going to stay home, spend time with you guys."

Luke smiled when Michael referred to him and the baby as 'you guys'. It made it feel like the baby was already there. The blue-eyed boy put his hand over his thigh in a comforting manner, where Michael's was originally resting.

"Thank you." Luke said as he kept the small smile on his face, looking out the window. Every now and then he would realize how lucky he was. He had an amazing husband with a baby on the way.

"You don't have to thank me," Michael chuckled, "I'd take a quiet evening with my husband over a night at a club without you there with me."

Luke shook his head, "No, thank you for giving me the best life ever. I'm literally living the dream every day."

Michael rubbed over the same spot on Luke's thigh, comparing the feeling of Luke's soft hand to the rough jean material. "It wasn't just me. You know I wouldn't have gone through with NHL if it wasn't for you."

"We're pretty awesome." Luke concluded as he finally intertwined their fingers together.

Michael agreed and stopped at a red light, giving him the opportunity to look at his pretty husband. "Totally awesome."

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last new years i spent the whole night in my room sobbing bc i felt so alone in life and you best be sure i'm gonna do the same thing again

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