"Why only a quarter Alex? Why not postpone til I finish senior year?" I ask.

"He's not going to want to give you time to change your mind or for some other wolf to win you over. In 10 weeks time we will be turning 19. We can say we want to celebrate together before you marry and move packs!" He says calmly. My eyes widen. What!?

"Wait! What? 19?? We're turning 19!?" I ask shreaking in disbelief.

The other three cover their ears in surprise.

"Woah sis! Relax. How old did you think you were?" Alex asks.

"I thought I turned 18 two weeks ago! I guess I was stupid to think the rogues would know my real birthdate or even tell me the truth if they did. Fuck I'm stupid!" I say angrily.

I was so pissed off! Pissed at my stupidity. Pissed at fate and this bloody moon goddess for heaping so much shit on my head. Pissed at Daly for making me feel things for him and then abandoning me. Pissed at Mikael for being a weak man who's willing to sacrifice his blood against her will. And pissed that I'm so fucking PISSED!!!

"Woah. Woah. What the fuck! Loxley!? What the hell are you doing???" I heard Alex yelling at me in a panic.

"Loxley!? Calm down chicca! You're going to hurt someone otherwise!" Vince said simultaneously.

I could hear Jesse gasping in panic.  I open my eyes to see what the problem is with everyone. But before I can see them I notice something that has me freeze in place.

I'm standing in the middle of my lounge, arms held out at my sides, with my palms on fire. Fucking FIRE! My eyes bug! I open and shut my mouth but no words come out! I look up and see the others standing like they've been struck dumb.

"Don't just fucking stand there! DO SOMETHING!" I shout. As I shout the flames climb and spread up my arms.

"Holy shit!" Breathes Vince.

"Loxley, try to calm down!" Says Alex calmly. But it was the wrong thing to say.


Suddenly my whole body is alight. I can feel my clothes burning off me, my hair blowing around me in  flames of blue and green, almost like a driftwood fire.

It takes a bit but I suddenly realize that other than destroying my clothes the fire isn't hurting me. Even my hair, flying around my head, on fire, was undamaged. As the thought penetrates my shock and fear, I start to calm down, and as I do, the fire retreats to just my hands again. It's dead quiet. I'm still staring at my hands.

"Wow! That was freaking awesome!" Shouts Jesse suddenly.

I look up in surprise. That definitely wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I look at Alex and Vince and see them both with awestruck expressions.

"Well I'm glad you think so, but do you have any idea how to fix this!?" I ask her while shaking my hands at her.

She shakes her head at me and laughs. Laughs! What's so funny about this situation. But I'm too relieved that they're not running from me screaming so I bite my automatic instinct to argue.

"Loxley, you're an elemental!" Vince says. I look at him in confusion.

"An elemental is someone who controls the elements!? The name is pretty self explanatory sis!" Alex says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him.

"First, how do I turn the hands off?" I ask. It's Vince who replies. I see Jesse head to my room but don't stop her. I have nothing to hide.

"I really think you just need to calm your emotions. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths in and exhale out slowly!" I do as he says. After a few minutes I feel calmer. I open my eyes and see my hands back to normal.

I grin at Vince and Alex. Vinces eyes widen then he grins back. Then he notices my clothes almost completely burned off my body and turns his gaze to the ceiling.

"Oh for fucks sake Vince, you've seen me naked before and you'll probably see me naked alot more if we're going to be training together so you need to get over it!" I say in exasperation. I turn to Alex, "Are you an elemental too?"

"No sis, I'm not, but our mum was. It runs in the female line in her family, they had a witch in there somewhere a long time ago, and all the females of that line were elementals. They get their powers at 18. But you showed no signs of it or mentioned it, so I thought it had skipped you. Guess not." He says with a laugh. He seems so happy about this.

"But you said we're turning 19? Why would it only show now?" I ask in confusion. He shrugs. 

"Probably blocked by whatever spell was put on you. And when we broke the spell it let everything out too. At least that's my guess." Alex says with another shrug. Vince nods in agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds right. We need to keep this quiet though guys. Jai won't want to wait at all if he finds out. He'll want to breed you as fast as possible!" Vince says with a growl. I frown. Jesse walks in carrying a sundress Peter got me for my last birthday. Still has the tags on. I'm not really girly.

"Geez Loxley! Is this really the only dress you own!? Are you sure you're not hiding a penis between your legs!? Anyway, put this on. Dresses are much easier to get on and off for a shift than all that leather and denim you got in that room!" She throws the dress at my head with a giggle.

I rip off the bits that are still on me, and throw the dress on. It's light. Ok. I can do this.

"Wow! Beautiful!" I hear Vince say quietly. I don't think he realized he spoke out loud and saw Jesse elbow Alex in the side when he frowned and opened his mouth to say something angrily to Vince.

I pretended not to hear him but gave Jesse a grateful look for stopping Alex from causing a scene and making things awkward.

"Ok guys, so is fire the only thing I need to worry about? Because you said elements, as in plural!" I ask

"Well I don't remember much, but I do remember the earth shaking when mum got mad!" Alex said.

"Yeah, and she was able to control water too, cause I remember her dumping a large portion of the lake on the forest one year when that fire broke out. Remember that!?" Vince asked Alex. Alex grinned while nodding.

"I also remember hearing stories about her from my parents when I was younger!" Jesse says.

"Really? You never mentioned that before!?" Alex asks Jesse. She just shrugs.

"It never came up! But from everything I heard she was fierce but kind! She could have chased so much power, she was an elemental werewolf! When we heard she had died, geez..., it was hard, hard on so many wolves who your mum had helped. My mum herself, was only able to meet and marry my dad because your mum saved her. She cried for months after. She's going to be ecstatic when she meets you! Oohhh, you need to meet my brother, now you no longer have Daly! How cool would it be if he's your second chance mate!" Talking to Jesse was exhausting! She jumped from topic to topic.

I saw both Alex and Vince snarl at the mention of Jesse' brother. I thought it might be fun to tease them a bit.

"Hmm, yeah I guess. I mean I'm a free agent right now. Even if he ain't mate material, he could still be booty call material right!" I say.

It's quiet for a split second before Alex explodes.

"Hell no! That blokes a fuckboy! No sister of mine is going to be his next slut!"

Oh shit. Jesse looks like she's about to kick his ass!!!

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