The Last Battle / Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Imperials of Akos stand completely still, and are in completely straight lines, their faces are expressionless. A red glow of energy passes through them as if it's a small heartbeat.

Suddenly, the drums start beating faster as the Imperials of Akos drop to one knee placing their hand on the ground forcing their energy into it. A huge earthquake passes as red energy cuts through the ground exposing magma and creating magma pools all throughout the battlefield.

"They've made it an uneven terrain," says Z.

"Not for long," says Rain, swishing his hands back and forth, an extreme gust of cold wind builds between his hands. Clapping and stepping forward, he releases the wind. Expanding it out, it rapidly cools the battlefield and hardens the magma.

Krios crooks his head, he points up.

As Nephfire and Krekok's archers shoot up into the sky. I command the army to do nothing.

As the arrows begin to fall, they begin to disintegrate, as I've released my power into the air in a subatomic form.

The army of light begins cheering as their arrows turn to dust.

Bright red lights come from behind the mountains as giant balls of fire fly over the tips from catapults hidden behind the mountains.

Inflaming the sky, the sky is full of fireballs headed directly towards us.

Slowly, they begin to slow down in mid-air until coming to a full stop. Turning, I look for who did it, and Xodus stands eyes pure silver and arms out. Twisting his wrist, the giant fireballs turn directions as red fire becomes blue.

"He's reversing time and shifting it," says Eve.

"Rewriting it as we speak," says Rain.

The fireballs now face Krios' army and stand still.

Our catapults fire our blue fireballs into the air, Xodus follows with his, creating an overwhelming attack on his army.

Unleashing his army, immediately they start running down the mountains at full speed screaming, coming directly for the city.

"Archers!" I scream, as they load the ballista's on top of each home in Tier one.

"Fire!" Giant spears fly out into the air over our heads, as Krios' army is barely scratched. Our army begins to start running, going head-on with his army. We stand on the pillars and watch as Krios sits on his throne.

Black Panthers race out of the ranks of his army, as white snow leopards come out of the cities.

They are the first to interact, leaping into the air, claws out, they fight to the death.

The army's titanium armor shines in the moonlight. Making contact with the overwhelming army our military holds their own. Dodging and moving out the way they begin to clear a path of dead bodies. A sudden three toned horn goes off behind the mountains, clearing the first army, we stare in shock.

"I knew it was too easy," I say.

The drums lay at the top of each mountain as hundreds of thousands more men, come from above the tops and begin making their way down. Dark elves, dwarfs, lupus, and giant dark creatures screech into the night. While the clan of Akos kneels in their same position.

A huge smirk lies on Krios' face.

Five people now stand next to Krios. Eris is the only one we recognize standing there smiling, vengefully.

A horn goes off from the walls of the City of Light as Syria, Helios, and Prince Nuru come out with thousands more men filling the entrance and the wall of the City of Light.

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