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[Y/n] braces herself for impact but is caught by someone before she could hit the ground. Panicked, she tentatively peeks an eye open.

"It's alright, I got you."

[Y/n] breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the familiar man. "God, Johnny, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

Johnny helps steady [Y/n/] on her feet and unties the rope binding her hands together. As soon as her hands are free, [Y/n] unexpectedly hugs Johnny tightly. He pats her back in an effort to comfort her, "I'm glad to see you're okay, [Y/n]. We need to get you out of here."

[Y/n] releases him and Johnny hands her a loaded gun. They only take a few steps before [Y/n] tells Johnny to wait.

"One thing first," she says quietly before heading back and pointing the gun inside the storage unit. She shoots twice at the unconscious already injured man, once in the chest and once in the head, a deep shade of red spreading around him.

Johnny takes [Y/n]'s hand and pulls her away right when she wants to pull the trigger again. Once they're safely behind a vehicle, Johnny holds [Y/n] by her shoulders. "I don't know what he did to you, but he's dead now. Calm down."

[Y/n] nods in understanding, feeling a little more relaxed now that she was with someone she could trust. She takes a deep breath and asks, "What's going on?"

The gunshot sounds hadn't ceased, bullets were flying almost everywhere and in every direction the entire time.

"It was Ten's idea. We got your location from Jisung earlier and decided I would sneak around to find you. Ten is somewhere in the lot sniping Simon's people down one by one."

"Where's Taeyong? Is he alright?" [Y/n] had been dying to get the answer to these questions for the past few hours. She needed to know if her man was okay.

"I really don't know about that but..." Johnny points in the loudest direction with his gun, "Let's go find out."

[Y/n] nods and they begin approaching the area where the shoot out was going on.

Simon had left [Y/n] far enough from where he and Taeyong were, but got too comfortable and made the mistake leaving her with only one man in charge of guarding her.

As they get closer, the noise dies down little by little until there's nothing but complete silence. [Y/n] lowers her gun and Johnny does the same when they're close enough to the now completely bloody scene. There were people scattered all over the ground, motionless and laying in puddles of red.

She watches as the guy wearing an eye-patch executes the last minion on the spot as he steps on his chest and shoots him dead.

[Y/n]'s widened upon seeing Yuta and Winwin all battered up, the 3 other men next to them not looking any better. She quickly recognizes Jisung and tears well up in her eyes as she scans him from head to toe, noticing all the blood on his clothes. The man with the eye-patch, Jinyoung, had the most blood on his entire body, half his face covered in it. And last but definitely not least, there was Taeyong: his clothes were torn in some places, he had a black eye and a busted lip, dried and fresh blood mixed with gashes in several places.

"Taeyong!" Johnny shouts, sprinting over to his side. He tucks his weapon away in order to put one of Taeyong's arms over his shoulder and help him walk.

He looked like he could barely hold himself up, but [Y/n] was simply happy he was alive.

[Y/n] continues to approach slowly, unbelieving of how strong Taeyong was, how he and all his men were still standing amidst all this chaos.

Taeyong's heart skips a beat once he spots her walking towards him. It was as if the world had stopped turning and everything around just disappeared except for her. He gives her a once over, looking for any injuries and letting out a sigh of relief when he doesn't see any.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, but [Y/n] notices the pained expression since his face was injured.

"[Y/n]..." He calls, his voice hoarse, "[Y/n], darling, you're okay."

[Y/n] nods, tears welling up in her eyes. "Of course I am, you know me."

Taeyong wanted to laugh at the comment but his chest hurt too much to do so.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. If only I had been more careful..."

The two continue to approach each other and [Y/n] stretches her arms out, wanting to hold him. "I missed you so much," she suddenly gets all choked up, tears welling up in her eyes.

[Y/n] wasn't usually one to get emotional, but she had been through a lot the past few months: between falling in love with her best friend, finding out he was part of a gang and being kidnapped by dangerous criminals, she had been resilient up until now.

Her wobbly smile is replaced by a frown when she suddenly feels a sharp crushing pain.

"[Y/n]?" She faintly hears but it sounds as if she was underwater. Her vision blurs around the edges and she stumbles, her head spinning and eyes not able to focus. She falls to her knees, clutching her chest.

It was momentarily hard to breathe, the air in her lungs not sufficient enough anymore. The possibility of it being the end crossed her mind.

[Y/n] was tired and dizzy, her eyes fluttering shut on their own accord. Her left hand hits the floor as she tries to hold herself up but fails. She stops fighting and lets herself lay down while she holds her chest in pain.

The last thing she hears is Taeyong calling out her name.

Insulate |〆[Taeyong x Reader AU] | ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin