匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 13

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"Boss, we have a code 17: Winwin is missing." Yuta says, staring at his partner's phone in his hand, "Don't worry, she's right next to me. Of course, boss," he signals [Y/n] to follow him. "Right away, boss."

Alarmed, [Y/n] quickly does as ordered. She had an idea of what code 17 could be, but she was praying it wasn't what she thought it was.

They quickly make their way to the underground parking lot to the black van Yuta had driven them in. "We're heading to HQ. You might want to take a nap, it's a long ride," he informs, starting the engine.

It was a rather silent car ride, Yuta and [Y/n] being too worried about Winwin to voice out their thoughts. [Y/n] preferred to stare out the window, trying to distract herself.

Yuta mentioned it was a one hour drive but after forty five minutes, he was already parking the van and telling her, "We're here."

Yuta gets out of the car and presses his phone to his ear. The entire area looked deserted as [Y/n] scanned it; she was wondering if they were still in the same country. All she could see was another parked van and the tall trees on the side of the road. The guard opens the door for her, bringing her out of her daze. "Follow me," Yuta mumbles. He walks in front of her, leading the way to the opposite side of the street, stepping on a barely visible trail. They stop when they come across a small looking door, leading to God knows where.

Before [Y/n] could ask, Yuta does a weird knock sequence — too long for her to follow — and soon after, the door is being opened by who she recognizes to be Johnny. The latter's eyes slightly widen when he sees her, her presence being completely unexpected.

Yuta pushes the door open, [Y/n] following inside after greeting Johnny with a simple nod of the head.

The tall male follows [Y/n] with his eyes, watching as she wanders down the flight of metal stairs. He shakes his head to come back to his senses and locks the door before leaning against it and exhaling a frustrated breath.

Johnny isn't the only one startled by the female's presence; he actually had the calmest reaction out of them all.

The other people stopped in the middle of their work and conversations as soon as [Y/n] entered. A quiet chorus of exclamations could be heard along with the start of new whispered conversations. [Y/n] did her best to ignore all the sudden attention; she didn't like having so many eyes on her but she tried not to show that she was the slightest bit intimidated. It works, seeing as everyone backs away, making more room for her and Yuta to pass.

[Y/n] and Yuta walk all the way to the door straight ahead, Yuta opening it to reveal another hallway. This one had doors on each side. The door directly in front of [Y/n] had 110 written on it. To the left, the numbers descend all the way to 105, while the numbers to the right ascend.

"Some of us have a room here," Yuta breaks the silence, "But there aren't really 100 rooms. Only 21 of us bunk here but we have other contacts who work in an area similar to this one. We all live in the city though since this is mostly a workplace," he explains, [Y/n] nodding along to his words.

They walk to the right toward the door at the very end. "This is the boss' office."

The guard doesn't give [Y/n] the time to ask any questions as he knocks on the door directly after letting the words out. A muffled voice answers on the other side, "Come in."

The two walk inside, Yuta closing the door behind them.

The room is spacious with a huge wooden desk taking up most of the room. Taeyong is leaning above his desk that had a few scattered blueprints on it. Behind him, there were white shelves with different items on them; mostly different guns and loads of ammunition. A few papers were neatly stacked in a corner and there were big multicolored binders in the opposite corner.

"Boss," Yuta greets, breaking Taeyong's concentration.

Taeyong looks up from the desk, eyebrows still scrunched up. Although his expression remains blank, his eyes visibly light up when he notices [Y/n] next to Yuta.

The gang leader stands up straight, crossing his arms and signalling the guard to speak. Yuta sets his partner's phone that he had put in a plastic zip lock bag on Taeyong's desk.

"Found this in the trash bin, Winwin was nowhere in sight. I brought [Y/n] here as soon as you ordered and made sure we weren't followed."

"Alright," Taeyong acknowledges the information, "Tell Johnny to contact S.Coups immediately and let him know it's urgent, we don't have time to wait for their 24 hour bullshit. Dismissed."

Yuta bows before exiting the room, leaving the two others alone.

Taeyong has his arms wrapped around [Y/n] as soon as the door clicks closed. He holds her tightly, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"I was so damn worried, darling," he murmurs, rubbing her back. "When Yuta said we had a code 17, I thought you were the one who got kidnapped," Taeyong pulls away, his hands on her shoulders. "I need you to keep your phone with you at all times, understand?"

[Y/n] bites her lip and nods, staring into Taeyong's worried eyes. His tense shoulders relax a little and he drops his arms.

"I have other things to take care of," he informs, walking back around his desk. He mumbles inaudibly to himself as he rolls up the blueprints and places them in the bottom right drawer of the desk, clearing everything out of sight.

"Tae..." [Y/n]'s wavering voice says, followed by a sniffle.

Taeyong looks up and his eyes widen as he sees [Y/n]'s filled with unshed tears. She looks down and quietly sobs, her shoulders trembling.

"I-Is this what it's going to be like everyday? All I wanted to do was go shopping a-and I got one of your men kidnapped," she cries softly, trying not to get hysterical, "I'm so sorry, Taeyong, I'm really really sorry."

She soon feels Taeyong's tight embrace again, his head resting on top of hers. "It's not your fault, [Y/n]," Taeyong reassures, petting her hair, "Winwin is trained for these kinds of situations, though that doesn't mean me and the others won't try to help him. He may not look like it but Winwin is highly skilled, he'll probably find a way out before we even get to him."

[Y/n] silently nods, managing to calm down. She loosens her grip on Taeyong and silently wipes her tears, offering her lover a small smile afterwards.

"I trust you, Tae."

Insulate |〆[Taeyong x Reader AU] | ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora