匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 21

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Lucas squats down and uses two fingers to feel for a pulse on the neck area, "Looks like we did have something to worry about."

"Uh, Lucas... The other girl," Jackson whispers, looking at the woman who had just appeared in front of him. She seemed to be holding something behind her back.

Lucas looks up and smiles, "[Y/n]!"

"So this is [Y/n]..." Jackson comments and tucks his gun away.

"Do I know you?" [Y/n] questions in a snarky tone.

The taller of the two clears his throat and speaks again, "I'm Lucas, this is Jackson." His face was somewhat familiar but at the moment, [Y/n] didn't care to think about where she might've seen him.

"And what are you doing here?" She wasn't ready for three people to rudely barge into her apartment on the exact same day

Jackson answers before Lucas can, "We were sent by Taeyong to watch you."

[Y/n] couldn't believe her ears. She was happy on the inside but at the same time confused. Didn't he say he didn't want her to be in this kind of life? [Y/n] didn't want it either, but it was Taeyong's life and she didn't want to leave his side.

"If that's true then I want to see him," she requests without a second thought.

Lucas shakes his head, "I'm sorry but we can't take you to him. We were given strict orders—"

"Sure, we'll take you right to him," Jackson interrupts, "Anything for the pretty lady," he winks and Lucas turns to glare at him.

"Dude, we can't do that—"

"I already said we would," Jackson shrugs, smirking. Lucas sighs in defeat, knowing he could never win an argument with him. "Whatever," he shifts his gaze back to the passed out Ga-yook on the floor. "Do you know her?" He asks [Y/n] cautiously.

Every person who ever interacted with Taeyong is closely kept an eye on. He didn't give the order often but Taeyong got his gang to shut anyone off who got too bothersome.

[Y/n] shows the rope she was hiding behind her back, "All I know is that she used to fuck with Taeyong and that she's a total brat," she grumbles angrily, "She was being a pain in the ass, so I made her stop being one for a while."

Jackson whistles, impressed. "And you were gonna tie her up?"

[Y/n] shrugs, "No matter how much I wanted to, I didn't hurt her, I only knocked her out. To be honest, I have no idea what to do with her."

Lucas reaches his hand out, making [Y/n] tilt her head to the side questioningly. He points to the rope, "We'll just take her with us."


Ga-yook was passed out and tied up in the back of Jackson's car, her body rocking inside the trunk every time the vehicle made an abrupt movement.

Lucas sat silently fuming in the back because Jackson insisted for [Y/n] to ride shotgun. "I'm his partner yet he chose her over me... Pfft, some partner you are," he mumbles quietly.

Jackson was trying really hard to befriend [Y/n]. He constantly cracked jokes but the girl wasn't in the mood to laugh. "Just focus on driving, will you?" [Y/n] finally snapped after Jackson's 50th attempt. She knew it was unfair for her to be taking her anger out on the guy but she couldn't help it.

Lucas was the first to get out of the car when they arrived and Jackson rushed over to open [Y/n]'s door. The latter rolled her eyes at his actions; he was trying too hard.

"You should report to Jaebeom," Lucas said, partially because he knew Jackson would get in trouble for not giving his leader regular updates, and partially because he wanted him to stop flirting with [Y/n]. He knew how jealous his leader could get; everyone in the gang knew about what he did to Suho and it scared them all.

Lucas then proceeds to take [Y/n]'s wrist and pull her inside the bunker. She tugs her wrist out of the male's grip, "There's no need, I know my way around," she tells him, not leaving him a chance to reply before leaving.

[Y/n] quickly makes her way through the main room, all the way to room 126 while ignoring everyone who looked in her direction.

She enters without knocking, startling Taeyong at his desk. "[Y/n]?" He says in disbelief.

Lucas arrives right behind [Y/n] and looks between the two. The tension in the air was so thick, it was unbearable. Lucas bows in respect to his boss and leaves as quickly as he came.

The door closes behind [Y/n] and Taeyong stands up front his desk, slowly approaching her.

"So you sent people to spy on me?" Is the first thing [Y/n] says.

Taeyong knew she would find out soon enough, so he isn't surprised by her words. "I sent people to look after you. Since you're involved with me, you inevitably have a lot of enemies. Those enemies are going to try to use you to get to me and I can't let that hap—"

[Y/n] slaps him across the face, "I'm not Ga-yook," she says before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. Taeyong is flustered and confused but doesn't reject her. [Y/n] didn't know how to react after not seeing for such a long time. Sure, it was only a little over a week but to them, it felt like forever.

[Y/n]'s emotions were all over the place; she didn't like being separated from Taeyong.

When she finally lets him loose, a small smile tugs at his lips even though the rest of his face remains confused. His left cheek stung but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling; Taeyong had definitely experienced worse and if he were completely honest, he would admit that a part of him sort of liked it.

Taeyong had expected [Y/n] to be mad, but the kiss came as a surprise to him. "What was that for?"

"I-I thought you'd abandoned me. I'm sorry for doubting you and for barging in like this. And for... hitting you."

Taeyong pulls her against his body, causing her to gasp. He tilts her chin towards him and gazes into her eyes. "Don't be. And especially not for that last thing," he whispers before delivering a sweet kiss to her lips.

[Y/n] laughs and gently frees herself from Taeyong's grasp, blushing. She takes a step back to maintain some distance in between them so she wouldn't get her thoughts swayed by anything else.

"There's something else I have to tell you." Taeyong nods for [Y/n] to continue, "I kind of met Ga-yook earlier..."

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