Within seconds,i quickly pushed down the hand brake,reselect the gear and pressed harder on the acceleration pedal,causing my tires to make that familiar scratching sound as i speed off with much velocity,running after Zion who was currently out of sight,but still under the watch of our cyberians with the help of the transmittable tracking device i placed on his car and roadside cameras.

"What is he doing?" •*Sonia asked puzzledly to no one in particular,probably referring to Zion*•.

Just then,i spot Zion's car about a thousand distance away from me at the cross✝ junction as he waits for the traffic light🚦 to turn green.

"Trap". •*I murmured just to my hearing as i increased my speed to 200 km/h,wondering what he's up to*•.

Of course,i wonder what he's up to because someone who is really running away from his hunter will disobey the traffic rules and dem the consequences. But with the look of things here,it seems he's trying to trick me down to where he will mean business and boss up. But i never cared as i pulled off my eyeshade and fastened the seatbelt,maintaining the same speed limit as i sway from left to right to overtake other road users.

Just few meters away from the junction,the traffic light turned to green and he speedily cross with a high velocity and turned right,and just within seconds,i driftingly crossed as well and followed the same direction with much speed,causing some of the road users to struggle with their wheels.

"Gaius you have to retreat,we will find another way to get him". •*Sonia said with concern, Probably she noticed what happened*•.

"Excuse me!" •*I exclaimed disbelievingly*•.

"Gaius this is a trap,can't you see? He's trying to do something silly which i don't know. And there's a probability that you might not survive it". •*She said with concern,and definitely she was making sense*•.

"He knows something no one else know,and if i loose him now,i might never see him again". •*I said through the transmitter as i reselect the gear and sway right,speeding approximately seven feet behind Zion with 210 km/h,and Sonia muttered "Shit" to my hearing*•.

"Agent 002. Retreat from your current mission now,it's an order". •*Sonia order with a serious tone,getting me really nervous*•.

"The last time i checked,i was still your boss". •*I muttered and reselect the gear as i and Zion kept speeding and swaying on the busy road as he takes me to where i don't even know*•.

"Dude stop being stubborn and take her advice. You're unmasked and drawing public's attentions. Just let him go,we will find another way". •*Dan spoke for the first time since the emergency mission was activated,getting me wondering whether he didn't get the alert in time or was he busy creating more problem at the funeral?*•.

"That was what you said the last time,and what happened? He vanished". •*I said and he kept silent,while i pulled the hand brake and driftingly wheeled right just few seconds after Zion took right*•.

"Agent Sonia,deploy two special squads with the fastest cars and best drivers. We need to stop Zion from doing whatever he has in plan,not running from him". •*I said,still concentrated on the busy road*•.

"Gaius you have to........."

"That's an order". •*She tried advising me and i stopped her*•.

I upsettingly unplugged my transmittable hearing device from my ear to avoid their annoying attempts to stop me,loosen my tie from my neck and speedily kiss the back of Zion's car with mine,causing him to sway uncontrollably as he hits other cars beside him. And immediately he managed to regain control of his wheel,he driftingly turned left to a single road.

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