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"How many times have you asked me to kiss you?" Jinyoung asked Jaebum as he sipped his iced coffee.

"Mmm, I lost count." Jaebum shrugged as he rested his arm behind Jinyoung's chair.

"Me too." Jinyoung admitted, looking at his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about that, I've just never kissed a guy before." Jinyoung added when Jaebum didn't respond.

"You haven't been with a guy before?" Jaebum asked in surprise as he turned to look at his boyfriend.

Jinyoung shook his head with wide eyes as he watched Jaebum's facial expressions.

"I'll wait, until you're ready." Jaebum concluded, rubbing Jinyoung's arm.

"Thanks." Jinyoung smiled after a while and leaned into Jaebum.

I'll wait for you, as long as it takes. Jaebum thought as he looked down at his gorgeous boyfriend.


"Jaebum, are you fucking kidding me?" Jinyoung angrily asked as he saw Jaebum in another fist fight.

Jaebum didn't respond and kept raining down punches on the guy.

"Jaebum, stop." Jinyoung kept repeating as the crowd kept shoving him.

"How do you not get caught?" Jinyoung asked out loud and he tried to pry Jaebum off of the guy.

Someone ended up elbowing Jinyoung hard on the tips making Jinyoung cry out in pain.

"Ow! Watch where you're going dude." Jinyoung rubbed his rib.

"Are you okay?" Jaebum asked, standing up next to Jinyoung.

"So now you stop?" Jinyoung angrily asked Jaebum as he watched the guy struggle to get up while blood poured down his face.

"You're so impulsive." Jinyoung pushed Jaebum away in frustration.

Jinyoung crouched down next to the guy and tried to help him stand but Jaebum pulled him up to his feet and dragged him away.

Jinyoung tried to get out of Jaebum's hold but it was no use since Jaebum was way stronger than he was. Jaebum ended up dragging him away from the crowd and eyes.

"So now you stop me from helping the person you beat up?" Jinyoung pushed Jaebum's hands off of him.

"Jinyoung, stop assuming that the fight was my fault." Jaebum demanded, offended that his boyfriend would think of him as problematic.

"Then tell me what happened! Enlighten me." Jinyoung sarcastically said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He was testing me. It's not my fault that he decided to be an asshole." Jaebum defended himself.

"Was he insulting your masculinity? Or maybe your hair?" Jinyoung asked in sarcasm, annoying Jaebum.

"Jinyoung, stop being sarcastic for once and put yourself in my shoes." Jaebum almost begged, he didn't want to fight with Jinyoung.

"Jaebum, you get mad easily and act on impulse, what do you expect me to think?" Jinyoung asked, scoffing slightly when Jaebum refused to meet his eyes.

"He insulted something that I care about." Jaebum said, his eyes meeting Jinyoung's for a second.

After those words left Jaebum's mouth, Jinyoung started to feel a bit more understanding towards Jaebum.

"What'd he insult?" Jinyoung asked, taking a small step towards Jaebum.

"You." Jaebum looked up at Jinyoung, who wore a surprised look on his face.

"Jaebu-" Jinyoung stared but was interrupted by Jaebum.

"I'm not gonna sit there as someone openly talks shit about the best person that you could ever meet. Jinyoung, you mean a lot to me and I'm gonna do something when someone tries to hurt you. I might've acted on impulse but what else could I do? I can't just ignore him when he's calling you such vulgar names." Jaebum ranted, feeling angrier as he recalled everything that the guy said about Jinyoung.

"God, if I could I'd beat him up as second time but this time I'd make sure that he stays on the floor." Jaebum seethed, making Jinyoung's eyes widened in surprise.

"Okay that's enough violence for a lifetime." Jinyoung mumbled as he reached out to stroke Jaebum's arm.

"I'm sorry about accusing you but their is no to fight about me, okay? I don't care about what others think. I only care about what you think." Jinyoung moved his hand up as he caressed Jaebum's cheek with his thumb.

"You're worth the fight." Jaebum said, eyes burning into Jinyoung's.

"So are you." Jinyoung concluded with a small smile.

i have to work soon 🙈

btw, probably like 1 or 2 more chapters until this book is over.

I have more jjp books in my drafts so.... maybe I'll publish one after this one if you guys want me to 🤷🏽‍♀️

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