Double Trouble

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(Depression is Virgil's brother and Remus is Roman's brother.)

Virgil was leaning on Roman. He nuzzled closer and Roman put his arm around him. That's when they appeared on either side of them.

"What are you guys watching?" Bane asked.

"Looks fun," Remus added. Roman and Virgil both groaned.

"Ugh... why are you guys here?" Virgil asked them.

"We just want to join you." Bane said.

"Ew, no. This is called 'date night' for a reason. You two have to be dating to join us." Virgil smirked. Roman smiled.

"Gross! Who would ever want him as a boyfriend?" Remus gestured over to Bane.

"Um, I already have a boyfriend, thank you very much." Bane said and got up. He walked out of the common room.

"Hmph..." Remus muttered, got up, and walked out of the room also.

"Good, they're gone." Virgil sighed and leaned on Roman. Roman kissed his head.

"Good thinking, mi amore," Roman said.

"Thank you, Ro. I love you..." Virgil muttered.

"I love you too."

170 words

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