Strix x Viktor 2

346 7 13

REQUESTED BY @CuriousityKillss

a/n: I imagine Strix to act calm and collected out in public, but when he's all alone with his lover Viktor, he breaks down :(

Viktor was surprised to wake up to the bathroom light turned on. He blinked groggily, clutching the white bed sheets closer to his bare body. Viktor never wore a shirt to bed, which Strix, his lover, really appreciated. The quiet sniper loved to trace shapes onto his chest, rough fingers rubbing and massaging the skin and muscle there.

Viktor looked to the left of him, and didn't find Strix. Usually Strix was snuggled up to his warm body, face buried in Viktor's bare chest.


The tired man in the bed called out, and the familiar voice of Strix responded shakily,

"H-Hey, Viktor!"

His usually calm voice was shaky and upset sounding, and at the sound of that, Viktor immediately jumped up from his bed. He rushed over to the bathroom, only to see Strix bent over the sink, dark eyes staring into the basin.

"What's wrong?"

Viktor said worriedly, stepping forward to rest a hand on Strix's trembling shoulder, and his heart ached at the defeated expression on Strix's face when the male looked up at him.

"I... can't stop thinking about the people I've killed... F*ck..,"

Strix pressed two fingers to his temples, rubbing, and Viktor sighed, taking Strix into his warm arms. He nuzzled his head into Strix's neck, whispering,

"I know. This is just the way things are, baby."

"I don't know if I can keep killing... Whenever I close my eyes, I see their lifeless bodies..."

Strix's voice was trembling as he leaned into Viktor's warm body. His breath seemed to get more and more steady as Viktor held him.

"I'll always be here for you, Strix. We can survive this together. Grandmaster Karne knows what he's doing..."

"I... love you Viktor."

Viktor smiled softly against Strix's neck, breathing in the scent he had grown to love.

"Me too."

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