Imani x Jenos

535 5 6

REQUESTED BY @KarenRuiz750

Imani stroked the head of her pet dragon, the magnificent beast sighing in content as the woman grazed over its scales with gentle fingers.

"There, that should be better."

She says quietly, and the dragon nods.

It licks her hand, and she smiled a little, hugging the dragon.

"I'll see you later."

The dragon lets out a buff of smoke, and she coughs a little, watching as the great beast soars away.

"Ah, I hope he'll be okay..."

She mutters to herself, and then she hears someone speaking behind her.

"Imani, the Last Warder. Hello."

It's a deep voice, that sounds calming.

"Who are you?"

She says, turning around.

The voice belongs to a god, one with flowing white hair, and a blue mask over his eyes. He is floating, blue stars shimmering behind him.

"I am Jenos. I have come to summon you. We need help here, there is a group called the Magistrate that is trying to take away all crystals for commoners! This is a horrible thing. The Resistance needs your help!"

He finishes, and she sighs, getting her claws on.

"Alright. Where's this base? Should I summon my dragon to fly us there?"

Jenos shakes his head, and grabs Imani's wrist.

"I'll teleport us there. A dragon would attract too much unwanted attention to the base."

He pushes her body closer to his, and she can't help but be flustered.

He's acting like this is no big deal...!

He murmured a few words under his breath, and they are suddenly standing in front of a red brick house.

This must be their base.

It's snowing outside, and Jenos notices Imani shivering in her outfit as he lets go of her.

He casts a mark over her with a lift of his blue orb, and she feels warmth immediately seep into her.


She huffs, feeling better already.

Darn, I could've just made a flame with my gauntlets...! Why didn't I think of that?

"No problem."

He says, and then he presses a hand to the door, which strangely has no door knob.

"Oh, hey Jenos! Come on in!"

A bright cheery voice says, and he nods.


He pushes the door, and it opens easily.

"Oh, hi Imani!"

A young elf girl says shyly, and Imani nods to her.


"Nice job, Jenos! Found yourself a girlfriend, eh?"

A voice then says, and Jenos turns to the source of the sound.

It was a white-haired ninja, who had his arm around an angel with long brown hair, who is blushing.

"Koga, shut up before I-"

"What, you know it's true. Imani, welcome! I think you'll like Jenos a lot, to be honest!"

She was surprised by this, having never had any lover before since she was too busy with her duties.


She says awkwardly, and Jenos just groans.

"Let's talk about this later. We need to get down to business."

He pulls out a map, and starts talking about all the places the Magistrate started to control.

Imani is next to him, and feels that his warm body next to hers calming.

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