Furia x Koga pt2

536 4 18

REQUESTED BY @MegaNutella and @PopeTipper88

"Mortal, I'm so happy today..."

Furia said softly, as she gazed into her lover's eyes.

Koga smirked, and said,

"Same here. I'm so glad you saw me shirtless that day. I'm also super happy that I joined the Resistance..."

"S-Shush Mortal! We don't speak about that t-time.."

Furia said, blushing, and Koga smiled.

"I know, my little angel.. Today we're getting married.."

He brushed his hand through his white hair, and said, gazing out the window.

"Can't believe I really did ask you.."

He glanced back at Furia, and smirked when Furia turned away, blushing.

"Awww, does my little Furia still get flustered when I look her in the eyes..? Hmm?"

Koga cooed as he hugged her from behind.

"S-Stop it..!"

"Haha, how can I stop when you're this adorable?"

Suddenly, Cassie rushed into the room.


She stared at the two, and quickly grabbed Furia's wrist.

"We gotta get you ready for the wedding! You too, Koga!"

"Nooo, I wanna be with Furia! Maybe I can watch her change this time-"

Koga started to say, smirking devilishly when Cassie shouted,

"No! You big pervert!"

Koga watched as his fiancé was dragged away by an angry girl, and he shrugged.

"Well, I tried."

He said to himself, and got on his tuxedo.

______________________________Time SKIP_____________________________

A/N: this is gonna be a different kind of wedding, not a traditional one. its more casual and not all like formal idk how to describe it

Furia stood on the podium awkwardly, as she attempted to fold her wings behind her back.

"They're really a nuisance..."

She muttered to herself, and she suddenly noticed Koga standing in front of her with a crooked smile on his face.

"That's my favorite thing about you, your wings... I love it when I pet them and they get all fluttery~"

He cooes, and Furia whisper shouted,

"Don't talk about that here!"

"Why not? It's innocent enough.. Well, if you wanted, we could do less innocent things..." (this is secretly killing me)


Furia breathed out, and Koga was surprised.

"What, you don't know what I'm talking about..?"

Furia shook her head, and he smirked.

"Ah, it'll be so fun teaching you this, afterwards..."

"Uh, guys..? If you don't mind, I'd like to get to the whole vows thing..?"

Sha Lin said hesitantly, in white robes.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot, haha.."

Koga laughed, and Furia kept quiet.

What's this, "less innocent" thing he's talking about..?

Sha Lin went on about how they should always be faithful to each other, and Furia could hear Cassie sniffling in the crowd.


"I can't help it, they're so cute!"

Finally, Sha Lin finished, and stepped back, and said awkwardly,

"You can kiss Furia now, I guess."

Koga smiled, and stepped forward, lifting Furia up into his arms.

He kissed her fiercely, and everyone cheered.

Talus threw golden flowers into the air, and Koga caught one, breaking away from Furia.

"Here's a flower.. I'd say it's beautiful, but no where as beautiful as you."

The ninja placed the flower in the angel's hair, and she smiled, wrapping her arms around her lover's neck.

"I love you.."

"Same here."

Koga suddenly started running, taking Furia with him.

"W-Wait, where are you guys going? We still need to take pictures!"

Ying yelled after them, and Koga called over his shoulder,

"Later! I wanna do something with Furia first.."

He smirked down at the angel, and she felt like she was going to probably have an interesting time later...

A/N: next furiaxkoga part is gonna be smut ;))))

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