Lian x Reader pt2

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REQUESTED BY @PopeTipper88

On the battlefield, it was complete chaos. I watched as a ninja with white hair slashed at someone with orange claws, his eyes blazing with fury. He suddenly looked up at me, and I let out a squeak of terror as I ran away.

I could hear the ninja scoff and say to an ally who was probably too busy to listen to him,

"This is what the Magistrate has been raising. Can you believe it?"

I felt rage burn through me when I heard those words, and I turned around, readying my gun. No one was allowed to insult Lian like that!

"You wanna say that one more time, Mr. IhavecoolclawsthatIcantakepeopledownwith?"

I spat out menacingly, and he glanced at me, letting out a chuckle.

"That's cute."

He said, and then looked over my figure. The white-haired male smirked at me, and asked,

"What's your name?"

I was confused at this point. Was he... flirting with me? I opened my mouth to respond, lowering my weapon, when a beam of piercing light nearly hit the ninja in the head. He dodged quickly, and looked at the source of the bullet.

"Ah, Lian! Nice to see ya!"

The male said, smirking, and I turned to see my leader with a furious look on her face.

"Shut up, Koga. You were flirting with my soldier just now, and I'd just like to let you know: Y/N's mine, not yours."

My eyes widened at what Lian said, and I could tell that Koga was as startled as I was. He cleared his throat, and tried to maintain the confident personality he had.

"Well, haven't you heard of sharing? Or are you too royal to share?"

Lian glared at Koga, who didn't flinch. She then said,

"Fine. I'll just have to show you that they're mine."

She walked over to me, and took my face in her hands. Lian kissed me on the lips, and I gasped, not expecting her to actually do it.

"There. That's the proof."

Lian said, turning to Koga, who was at a loss of words. He turned, and ran. Lian turned back to me.

"Don't let anyone talk to you like that, okay?"

I nodded slowly, trying to wrap my head around what had happened. Lian patted me on the head, and left to fight.

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