CHAPTER 7: Vlive

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"Don't do it like that."

"I didn't flirt but you thought I flirted" I answered.

It all just became a huge mess. We are unendingly arguing over something related with flirting and that makes me laugh. Other members probably went to their designated room to sleep so Momo and I are the only here on our dorm's lobby, we still need to stay up for our Once's.


I'm looking at the screen right now reading comments while Momo is holding a plastic bag full of snacks that she bought from the mart. I tried to get one snack from her to annoy her but she took it back from my hands.

"It's mine!" I teasingly said.

"What? It's obviously mine." She answered.

I'm laughing because it seems that we're making a huge mess with our Vlive. Earlier we already argued over flirting and now we're doing it again but this time about snacks.

"This is mine!"

"It's mine. I paid for it" She answered.

"Momo-ya . What's yours is mine. What's mine is mine" I smilingly said while looking at her but she just glared at me.

"What's mine is mine. What's mine is ONCE's"

"What?" I unbelievably asked.

Momo just ignored me and speak with Once's while looking straight at camera.

"That's a lie. It's all mine. I bought these earlier" she said while looking at the snacks inside the plastic bag.

"We went at the convenience store earlier after the awarding event" she added.

We just talked about all the snacks that she bought and danced with other idols songs for about an hour. It may be a huge mess content of Vlive but it's fun and for sure Onces are having fun as well.

"Alright, Onces. We need to go. Goodnight" Momo bids goodbye in front of the camera.

"Goodnight. Saranghaeyo" I added.

"Saranghaeyo,Onces" Momo said and closed the camera.

A tiring day indeed but worth it since we won a Daesang award and it's really an honor for our song to be awarded and be recognized.


This might be a good day because we won but Nayeon and I argued earlier. I don't know why I'm so sensitive right now. We argued because she keeps annoying me. I already told her to stop since I'm not in a good mood to go along with her. I can't even sleep because I feel so guilty about what I've told her so I decided to open my phone and sent her a message. Maybe she's already sleeping so she probably won't read this up until tomorrow.

JY: Nayeon-ah, Mianhae for telling you that you are annoying and you are very immature despite you being the oldest. I didn't mean it. I'm just overly sensitive tonight.

I simply don't know what I'm thinking earlier for me to say such a very stupid thing over Nayeon. Unexpectedly, I saw my phone lit up so I immediately took it and I smiled thinking that Nayeon's still up.

NY: You are annoying not me.

I laughed at her thoughts.

JY: I know I do am. I'm really sorry Nayeon-ah.

I'm expecting her to reply but she didn't instead I saw the door slowly opening. She's really the most understanding one. I may be the one who is faulty but still she even thought of coming over.


Nayeon shouted while running on my direction with her arms opened.

"Psssst. They are probably sleeping now" I said while pointing onto my roommates.

Nayeon hugs me and tries to kiss my cheek.

"Nayeon-ah. Hajima" I stopped her.

"I won't forgive you if you won't let me" She threatened.

"Would you risk our friendship for just a kiss?" I teasingly asked her.


"Argh. Jinjja?" I unbelievably respond.

She immediately kissed my cheek then stand up.

"I'll be going to sleep now. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" I answered.

It's been both tough and worthy day for me but right now I'm at peace knowing that Nayeon and I already ended up our fight earlier.

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