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Ara giggles silently, mentally thanking her stomach for making her enter the kitchen for a snack.

Her eyes are focused on the the pretty boy swaying his hips to the music ringing from his earbuds while he washes the dirty plates from dinner's rice bowl. His black locks bounce at the top of his head with volume and a pretty shimmer while he hums along to the song.

Ara approaches him silently before she slaps her hand to his ass. The boy's singing is interrupted by a yelp and he jolts at the sudden attack to his ass.

Ara giggles, nibbling her lip between her teeth when Jimin's dark eyes land on her after turning towards her swiftly.

"I couldn't resist." She smiles innocently, reaching her tippy toes to place her lips to his. Unfortunately, the boy turns his face away from her and her lips collide with his cheek.

She immediately frowns when he rejected her and Jimin struggles against the smile forming on his lips.

"Jimin." She whines when his self control overcomes the smile that began to form and he keeps a stern look.

She scoffs, pulling away from him and crossing her arms over her chest. "You brat."

Jimin rolls his eyes, small smile playing on his lips as he turns and continues washing the dishes. "Come and help me dry the dishes."

As a sign of defeat, Ara picks up a dry towel, throwing it over her shoulder. Wanting to make clear what's hers, she slaps his ass once more and it jiggles at the forceful contact.

"That's mine, Park Jimin."

This time, Jimin can't hold back an embarrassed laugh, raising his shoulders up and down as he laughs with joy. Ara's laugh follows after noticing his eyes fall into crescent moons.

The laughter slowly dies, but their smiles remain on their face with a rosy blush painting their cheeks. They say nothing, sharing secret glances at each other like forbidden lovers before they turn away giggling like fools.

But after sharing too many secret looks, Jimin decided to crash his lips to the tip of Ara's nose unexpectedly. His wet, plump lips leave the tip
of her nose wet and warm.

At the same time, he doesn't bother to dry his hand as it snakes around her and lands on her ass, squeezing his large hand around as much of her ass he can hold.

Her eyes fall shut and she scrunches her nose while a laugh rolls off her tongue.

"Jimin!" She shouts before squealing at the bubbly sensation at her stomach and the coldness to her ass from his wet hand. "You're hands are wet!"

He finally pulls away with a smile of adoration and fulfillment in his eyes. The balls of his cheeks burn bright red with a blush, and his pink lips stretch open to show the top row of his teeth. Jimin watches as she finally flutters her eyes open, laugh resonating through the kitchen from pure bliss.

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