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sorry! It's not an update because I just got back from the concert

It ended at 10:30 but there was so
much traffic and I went out for dinner and by the time I got home it was about 2am.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that my first ever concert/ bts concert was the best experience ever

I just wanted to say that I feel really lucky to be a part of this fandom because it really is a family.

BTS really inspired me to be and do better for myself and for people who care about me.

idk of ya'll heard or saw on social media, but Jimin cried tonight and Namjoon was emotional.

These boys have worked so hard and it is evident in everything they do, and for that, I am truly proud of them.

Tonight- like away, but tonight I really felt it maybe because I was present- but tonight Namjoon spoke beautifully and I am so blessed with an experience like tonight's :)

well, I'll go off to bed because I'm going through a bit of post-concert depression and It's 2:36am so I am practically dead.


Goodnight lovebugs

I love ya'll

*might delete later*

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