Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!

Start from the beginning

"What?! Who is the nurse and why the fuck is Aurora out of bed, she shouldn't have been in Dante's room to begin with!" I said raising my voice, just as we pulled up at the mansion but none of the other three got out of the car, probably all waiting to hear what the call is about.

"She insisted on seeing him, so I figured it's best that I'm close to both her and Dante, as well as see to Gia, so when I left her in front of Dante's room, to go get her a bed and have her doctor set her up in his room, she went in and caught someone by the name of nurse Mary, anyway Aurora went badass on her obviously and when we got there Dante told me to send a guard with her to the mansion" Paul said and I gritted my teeth, so she's here and I have no time to drill her because we have to move fast and get to Antonio.

"What did she inject Dante with? And how's he doing?" I asked completely forgetting to ask if she had the chance to complete her mission and if so, I'll kill her myself, fuck the code!

"She never got a chance to, Dante was awake when I got there and he asked the doctor to check what was in the syringe. I had to send Sam to take her to the mansion, I didn't want to risk her getting away because she might be the key to finding out who wants Dante dead" Paul said and I couldn't help but grin, these guys really have grown a lot, thanks to Steph for keeping Paul, Rick, Chris and Sam close to him, which means they all got to learn from the best.

"Good job Paul, keep me posted on what's going on at the hospital, I'll be back first this in the morning to see Dante, make sure you are in his room and I'll send Sam back to the hospital to make sure he stays with Kiara" I said remembering that she was put to sleep and is alone in her room, in case there are more staff that's corrupted, who knows if this nurse Mary had help.

"Sam is already back, I had and extra bed prepared in Kiara's room for Gia and then had him carry Gia to Kiara's room and told him to stay inside the room and guard them, Chris is in Justin's room and Rick who was dropped off by Nate, is in Jayden's room, every one's covered here boss" Paul said, surprising me by the way the men took charge at the hospital, I'm really impressed.

"Good thinking, let the others know that for the night they should report to you and then you get back to me on updates... And Paul, make sure none of the staff, none of the guards, or Kiara, break the news about Steph or Dimitri, to Dante, got it?!" I said, knowing that we needed to be the ones to tell him, we needed to be with him because I can only imagine how his going to handle it.

"Yeah I got it, and Gio I'm really sorry about boss, he was a good man and I want in on avenging him, I don't want to be just on guard for this one" Paul said and I ran my free hand over my face, this was not the first of the men that asked for this, and I'm positive it won't be the last either.

"Don't worry, this is war and every man will take vengeance but for now, protecting the family is more important, so keep me posted and Paul, be aware and on high alert! The hospital is already on lockdown, I made sure Steph's body is in a secured room, so the rest of the family is on you, make sure when I get there, all of them are still in one piece and don't allow Kiara out of her room if she's awake, she's a danger to herself and her babies" I said and then we said our goodbyes.

"What happened to Dee?" Francesco asked and I looked to him through the review mirror and shook my head.

"Some nurse Mary tried to inject something into his IV, but Aurora got there in time and she's currently locked up downstairs. Dante is fine, his awake and Aurora is with him, so first we're going to suit up, Mark is already prepping the chopper, we're going to bring Antonio home and then we'll go to the hospital in the morning to break the news to Dante, then we'll get back here and have some fun with little nurse Mary, so we can find that son of a bitch that's behind this, before we bury our brothers!" I said all in one breath.

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