"Get comfortable shadowhunter." Said the Circle Member as he laugh." You're gonna be here for awhile, but once we capture Magnus Bane, we won't need you, and once Valentine has Magnus Bane, we will use him to rule the world."

When the Circle Member have said that as he smirks evilly, it got Alec to get really shock at what he said and didn't seem to know about that, and when the Circle Members saw the look on Alec's face, he started to smirk evilly.

"Ha, I guess that Valentine didn't really told you the second reason why Valentine wants Magnus Bane, well, I guess I'll tell you." Said the Circle Member as he smirk." Well, as soon as Valentine get Magnus Bane into my arms, and get him to be the only downworlder in this world, he's going to get him to use his magic to defeat all our enemies and rule Alicante with our own hands, and we will be able to rule Alicante with our bare fists, when Magnus Bane becomes Valentines king."

When the Circle Member have explain Alec the plan, Alec have began to feel really shock and worried about Magnus, and then the Circle Member have started to leave the cell as he laugh at how worthless Alec is.

The cell door of Alec's cell banged really hard, making Alec flinch a bit, then a single tear fell from his eyes and drip to his cheek and chin. Here he was, Alec Gideon Lightwood, the head of the New York Institute, and one of the bravest shadowhunters alive, all chained up and gagged by Circle members, like an animal about to slaughtered into pieces.

But it's not that he is chained up that's worrying him, but Magnus Bane, his one true love and beautiful warlock boyfriend, is in so much danger from one of the biggest threats in the shadow world.

The tear fell from his face and onto the ground, he move his head down and look at the ground, the tear had left a small drop shaped stained on the ground, and the necklace he is wearing was now hanging down like him. It was the star necklace that Magnus had given him before he was taken by Valentine, and started to have a flashback of how Magnus give him the necklace.


Then Alec started to go back inside his room, as he start to get ready to go with Jace and the others, and then he started to turn back to Magnus and started to speak.

"I have to go Magnus." Said Alec in disappointment. "The Circle Members are attacking the mundane's and I need to go stop them."

When Alec have said that, it got Magnus to get a bit upset that Alec have to go and he'll be all alone, and then he started to put on a fake smile, but apparently Alec knew the smile Magnus is making, and then he started to sit next to Magnus and look at him.

"Magnus, you know how much I don't like leaving you, but I'll be back, I promise." Said Alec as he grabs Magnus's hand.

Then Magnus started to nod his head as he understands that Alec has to go and protect the mundane's from any danger, and then he started to kiss Alec's head, which got Alec to smile at him.

"But before you go Alexander, I want to give you something that I've been wanting to give you." Said Magnus as he smiles.

Then Magnus then over to one of Alec's bedside tables and then he started to grab one on his necklaces that he was wearing before, and Magnus grab one pendant necklace that has a silver diamond star, and he held it out to Alec.

"This is one of my favorite necklaces I always love." Said Magnus as he smiles." I got it from a friend that says that it represents a strong kind of magic, as long as o wear the matching one, the person wearing it and I would find each other."

Then Magnus started to hold up a matching gold necklace with the same diamond star on it.

"It's like a connection between two people who's hearts are as one." Said Magnus as he puts the necklace over Alec's neck." Even though you can't give me any runes, I can give you this, and as long as we wear the same necklaces, we could always find a way to find each other."

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