Then Alec started to look down and saw that he forgot to zip up the sweater and he blush like crazy when he found out what Clary was talking about.

"Oh my god!" Said Alec as he zips up his sweater and blush in embarrassment." Ha ha ha, sorry about that."

That also got Clary to chuckle a bit at how embarrassed Alec is, but she couldn't blame him, I mean he loves Magnus with all his heart, and he will do anything to protect him from Valentine.

"So, how are the others doing?" Asked Alec as he look at Clary.

"Well, all the Shadowhunter's that we're injured are all healed up as the Institute is back into shape." Said Clary as she escaped." Also, Jace wanted me to tell you that he is sending some Shadowhunter's to alert some warlock that are living here at New York to keep an eye out for Valentine."

"That's good, we all need to keep an eye out since Valentine is still out there." Said Alec as he still looked worried.

"Alec, look I know that you are only trying to protect Magnus from Valentine, but how long are you even thinking of keeping that magic dampening bracelet on Magnus? Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.

"Until we capture Valentine, but until we do, Magnus is going to keep that bracelet on till we get Valentine." Said Alec as he look at his door where his boyfriend is inside.

"I know that, but you know that he can't have that bracelet on him forever." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.

"I know that Clary, but for now, I can't let Valentine track Magnus with his magic, and you know how he felt." Said Alec as he look worried.

"Okay, I'm going to check on Jace and Izzy to see if we got any tracking on Valentine." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.

That got Alec to modded his head and smile at Clary, then as Clary left to go to the main room, Alec have started to go back inside his room, then he took off he sweater, but kept his pants on, and then he started to lay next to Magnus, then pull the covers over to his waist, and started to held Magnus close to his chest when he let go of the pillow.

Then as he look at Magnus with a soft smile on his face, Magnus have started to stir a bit from his sleep, then he started wake up from his sleep, and he started to look at his boyfriend and smile.

"Hi." Said Magnus as he cuddle at Alec's chest.

"Hi." Said Alec as he smiles." That was really great of what we did."

"Yeah, and you seem to love my cat eyes." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

"I can't help it, you look so adorable with them, and you really are a great kisser." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." And what we had today, that was really magical."

"I couldn't agree more, despite the dampening bracelet I have on, sex is like the most magical thing I have ever felt." Said Magnus as he smiles at his boyfriend.

"And you are so magical." Said Alec as he smiles.

Then as Alec hug Magnus close to him, Magnus was snuggling close to Alec's chest, as his finger was tracing around his stomach, and then he started to look at his boyfriend and smile at him.

"Thank you Alexander." Whisper Magnus as he smiles at his boyfriend.

"For what Magnus?" Asked Alec as his hand is still playing with his hair.

"For being such a perfect boyfriend to me Alexander, you are doing everything you could to protect me." Said Magnus as he look into his eyes." No one's ever done something like that for me, not even Camille, I love you so Alexander."

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