Tracking down Magnus Bane

Start from the beginning

"Come on, let's go and save them." Said Alec as he got his bow and arrows ready.

Then Jace started to grab a fallen seraph blade that one of the Circle Members have drop and then he started to follow Alec, then they started to make their way downstairs to rescue Clary, Izzy who are being held captive.

Then as they have arrived downstairs to the cells, they see that Izzy are Clary are okay but being held captive in a cell with some of the Circle Members standing guard making sure that they don't escape.

"Well, looks like this is going to be fun." Said Jace as he got ready to fight.

"You're telling me." Said Alec as he got his arrows ready to shoot at the Circle Members." Okay, let's do this."

Then when the Circle Members have saw Alec and Jace, they all got their seraph blade's and started to fight Jace and Alec. The fight was long and hard, but it was easy. Well, Alec would have said it was too easy, it was hard because there were many Circle Members, but he was too worried about saving the one his cares about in the cells.

After a fight with the members of the Circle Members, all of them were laying on the ground dead, then Alec started to open the cell holding Izzy and Clary. Then as they both got out of the cell, Alec started to held them both in a tight hug cause he was happy that they are okay.

"Are you two okay?" Asked Alec as he sounds worried.

"Yeah, we're fine, just a bit sore from fighting with the Circle Members." Said Clary as she hugs Alec back. "But I'm really worried about Magnus, where is he?"

"Please tell me that Valentine didn't get to him?" Asked Izzy as she started to get worried.

"No, Magnus is safe." Said Alec as he calms the two girls down." But I can't tell you where he is."

That got the girls to get really relief that Magnus is safe and that Valentine doesn't know where he is, but then Alec have started to realize that he can't go back to Magnus because if he does, then the Circle Members will follow him and will capture Magnus.

"Dammit!" Shouted Alec as he stomp at the floor.

"Alec, what's wrong?" Asked Clary as she looks worried.

"You know I said that I can't tell you where Magnus is right?" Asked Alec and the others nodded." But I can't go back to him either and if I do, then the Circle Members will follow me and capture him."

"Hey Alec, it's okay." Said Izzy as she tried to calm her brother. "We'll find a way to get to Magnus eventually."

"Izzy is right Alec." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." For now, we just need time to find and stop Valentine before he can get to Magnus."

"Did Valentine leave the Institute?" Asked Izzy.

"Yeah." Said Jace as he enter the cell and hug the two girls." Valentine left a few minutes ago with one of his Circle Members, but now he wants to follow Alec to see where Magnus is."

"Wait are you saying that I can't. . ." Said Alec as he tried to understand what Jace is saying." Are you saying that I can't go home to him?"

Then Jace nodded his head as he answer Alec's question, and then Alec started to growl in anger and he started punch the wall of the cell before he started to leave the cell. Alec's knuckles started to bleed when he punch the wall hard, then he walked up the stairs, and started to go to the back exit of the Institute.

"Alec, wait!" Said Clary as she tried to keep up.

Then as Alec was about to leave the Institute, he turn around and he saw Clary running up to him. Clary was struggling in the heels she is in, but nothing stopped her from catching up with her friend.

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