Chapter 45: Bonus chapter

Start from the beginning

Matthew had grown up so much, he too had followed the route of business and now ran a successful chain of hotels. I couldn't be more proud of the man he had become.

"I'm good thank you Sir, and yourself?".

"Excellent thank you. So what brings you into my office Matthew?"

"I erm, I wanted to run something by you".

"Sure, fire away".

"I want to ask you for your permission for Lily's hand in marriage".

I choked violently on air as his words sank in. He wants my sweet little girl to become his wife. Oh shit, I wasn't ready for this.

"Sir. I have been in love with your daughter since we were teenagers and we've been together for 6 years and I feel like it's time to take our relationship to the next level. I promise to love and cherish her for the rest of my life and it would mean a lot to me if you'd accept this proposal".

Mixed emotions swarmed through my body as he continued his little speech. He proved himself worthy of being with her and I trusted that he would always look after her, but she was still young and I didn't like the idea of her living far away from home. But I had to stop myself and let her live. They'd been together for years and I knew nobody could make her happier than Matthew.

Standing up from my chair I walked around the desk slowly inwardly laughing as Matthew's face paled in fear. On instinct he stood up and faced me head on with his head held up high.

Resting my hand on his shoulder, I smiled widely at him and nodded.

"You make my little girl so happy and have done nothing but support, love and cherish her all these years. So yes, I give you my blessing. When do you plan to propose?".

Matthew's face lit up and smiled wider than I had ever seen.

"Thank you Sir, that means everything. And I plan to propose tonight with a special picnic with just the two of us".

"That sounds wonderful and please, call me James".


"Honey, I'm home".

"In here my love" Isabella's voice echoed around the house.

But before I could reach my darling wife the sound of paws clattered against the wooden floors making my heart swell.

"Hello Macey".

"He had a great life James. Max lived to the fullest, our cheeky little boy lived a long and happy life but now he's at peace. I still can't believe how long he lived for".

Isabella hugged me gently before pulling out a large box with a ribbon on it.

"You didn't?".

"I did. I know how much Max meant to us all so I want you to have this".

Isabella passed over the box and smiled as I unwrapped it. And there staring up at me was a beautiful black Labrador puppy.

Macey bounded into my arms and I carefully lifted her up and snuggled her like I used to do with my two children before walking into the kitchen where my gorgeous wife was waiting for me.

"You have no idea what I'm going to do to you in the next few seconds. I'm going to rip your clothes off and ravage you- Oh, hey guys".

I could've died in that moment. My wife was trying her absolute hardest not to burst out laughing as she stared between Lily, Matthew, Ethan and Laura who were sat around the table eating cakes and drinking tea.

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