Chapter 21: Answers

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James's POV:

Beep Beep

Leaning against the door frame of the medical room I stood silently and watched as numerous nurses and doctors carried out their tasks whether it be from treating minor injuries or to endless paperwork. But I wasn't here to talk to them, I was here to see one man. One man that I would never fully trust, not after everything he did. I wanted answers to unanswered questions and I wanted to find out every single detail. Now that Milo was dead I wanted to take every precaution possible. The enemy killed Milo, which could potentially mean that my wife could become a target. But if they wanted to kill her, they would have to kill me first. No one would harm a hair on my wife's head without signing a death wish from me.


One of the male doctors noticed me in the doorway and walked towards me with his clipboard by his side.

"How's he doing?" My tone was cold and harsh, but I wasn't in the mood for a general chit chat. I wanted to take action, I wanted to hurt the person that killed my dog.

The doctor gave me a small smile and nodded sharply.

"He's doing well. The bullet didn't hit any major arteries thankfully. He's awake and ready to talk. This way Boss". The doctor gestured for me to follow him and lead us through the medical room to the furthest corner in the room. And there he lay staring up at the ceiling, his eyebrows furrowed together looking deep in thought.

"I'll leave you two to alone". The doctor grabbed the curtain and pulled it giving me and Chase some privacy.

Grabbing a nearby chair I dragged it slowly and placed it beside the bed before sitting down in it.


Chase sat himself up on the bed wincing slightly in discomfort having to move himself up on the bed.

"The man is dead. I killed him". His face blank and his voice emotionless.

"No. I want to know everything from the beginning. Milo's death is clearly the first move of the enemies and I'm starting to fear that Isabella could be the next target. I need you to tell me everything you know". Normally I was a man of composure and patience, but that was long gone. I was undeniably scared. Scared of the unknown and certainly scared of losing the one person I love more than anything.

"We should carry on this conversation in your office".


Chase had settled himself down in the chair before my desk along with other top men standing around the room in the office.

"We do not know how or why, but the intruder managed to find a way in without being seen and cut the cameras. He then went upstairs into Milo's room as Isabella had put Milo down on his bed to have a rest and unfortunately killed Milo". Chase looked down at his lap, and an unusual expression appeared on his face before changing to a blank emotionless expression.

It's as though he knew the house and had been in it before. How would a random intruder know the best routes to avoid being seen and how would he know where the security office is. Something is not adding up.

"And the intruder?". I rubbed at my temples harshly trying to ease the pounding headache that had come on suddenly from all the stress.

"I ordered 6 men and myself to scale the woods surrounding the house in hopes to find the intruder. We had hope that he may have wished to hang around and spy on the house hoping to bear witness to the pain of people finding the remain of his killing. I found him near the abandoned cottage watching the house with anticipation. I tried talking to him hoping to get answers but he pulled his gun on me resulting in me getting shot. I tried shooting him in a part of his body which wouldn't kill him, but he was going to kill me, so I had to kill him".

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