Chapter 29: Confronting your demons

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James' POV:

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your father, is it?".

My hand trembled uncontrollably hearing the man's sinister voice. The man I had supposedly killed for murdering my mother and inflicting countless abuse on me. The man who I once looked up to and called father. But he lost that title the day he killed an innocent woman who was my world and should've been his.

My heart was beating at such a deadly speed, but fingers grew numb at the intense grip on the phone and I felt my head start to spin from the shock of everything.

"What's the matter my boy? Cat got your tongue". A dark laugh, a laugh I knew all too well rung out through the speaker into my ear sending shivers over my body. Tears pricked at the edges of my eyes threatening to escape. Memories of my mother's bruises and screams flooded my mind like a powerful storm unable to let any light in. All the pain he inflicted on her and once she was gone, it was all thrown on me without a care. He starred in every nightmare, taunting me, but I would always wake up reassured he was dead and unable to hurt me. But now, he was very much alive and more vengeful than ever.

"H-how?" I tried to be strong and speak with confidence showing no ounce of fear, but it was useless. I thought this nightmare was over, but now it was beginning again.

"B-b-because y-you're a l-lousy shot" he mocked back through the phone laughing at his own mockery. I quivered in fear. He was the only man I ever feared. Yes I was notoriously dominant and emotionless, but this man scared me to the core. A childhood of pain and suffering all due to one man's insanity.

"But you died. I shot you multiple times".

"That's what you thought. You know, all those years of training you to shoot and you failed to kill. If you had paid attention, perhaps I wouldn't be here today talking to you. But no, instead you wanted to run off to your bitch of a mother and bake cookies and cakes with her. Pathetic" he spat harshly. I gritted my teeth together hearing him bad mouth my mother but I had to restrain my anger otherwise it wouldn't end well for anyone.

"How's about we meet up. I have a lot to tell you and find it might be easier to talk in person".

"You'd be dammed if you think I'm going to meet up with you". The flashbacks and memories only fuelled my emotions turning my fear into anger. If he thinks he can come and ruin everything at the click of a finger, he's got another thing coming.

"I guessed as much. Well, for now we'll talk on the phone, but I'm certain we'll be meeting soon. And I'd love to meet your wife, Isabella. Heard she's quite a looker". I held my fist up in the air ready to let it come crashing down onto my mahogany desk, but I held it still not wanting to break something of mine. The only thing I wanted to break was his neck. Thanks to Chase, Anthony now knows all about her, he also no doubt told him all the shit I put her through.

"You will never meet my wife. Ever."

Anthony chuckled darkly clearly not taking my statement seriously.

"That's a shame. Chase told me so much about her. Oh, you are fully aware of where Chase stands I assume."

I remained silent not wanting to think about his ultimate betrayal.

"When I approached him he seemed awfully keen to join up with me. In fact, he's the one that's done most of the work".

"What the hell do you mean?" I yelled out frustrated by his voice.

"I may have been the brains behind the attacks but he was the one who did them. Your little puppy's death, so sad, so terribly sad. And how he killed off Jessica just as she was about to reveal the truth and something you aren't aware. Chase has been visiting Damien. Sneaking down food, water, and tending to his wounds informing him of his soon freedom".

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