Chapter 1: Waking up

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I felt like a bird, free and flying high above the clouds. It was beautiful. The breeze was cool but not cold as I flew without a care in the world. I felt at peace and was surrounded by serenity.  All the troubles of the world below me were gone from my hold and I felt light as a feather. I could hear the sounds of children's laughter as they played their games so happy and free. They were oblivious to the cruelty of the world they were in. Suddenly the beautiful sound of children's laughter was replaced by a dull beeping sound in the distance and without thinking I flew towards it eager to explore what and where it was coming from.

My body drifted towards the direction of the strange noise and the beeping sound got louder each second I moved closer towards it. As I flew closer towards the sound, a faint light could be seen in the distance and I pushed my body to the limit to try and reach it, but I felt a force pulling me back away from the light. For some reason I didn't quite understand why I was so drawn to the light like a moth to a flame. I had to reach it. I fought frantically against the strong force that kept dragging me further away from the sound and the light refusing to give up.

I screamed out as the light began to fade and the beeping sound started to quieten, but I couldn't be heard. I prayed that I would be able to touch the light just once and then I would leave to end my long and tiresome journey. But for some reason I had a feeling that my journey was far from over.

As if my prayers had been heard, a deep voice spoke through the atmosphere making me tremble in fright. I strained my ears desperate to understand what the voice was saying. I continued fighting against the force that had a hold of my foot and gasped as I felt myself get thrown back off the cloud I was situated on. I was now free falling from the sky down to the earth below me. The speed was too fast and I knew there was no way I could get out of this one. The sound had completely gone and the light had diminished as soon as I had fallen off the cloud. I closed my eyes feeling queasy at the speed I was falling. Counting quietly under my breath I braced myself for impact.



My body slammed against the icy cold water harshly. The impact had taken my breath away and I instantly sunk into the freezing water unable to retain any oxygen. The force still had a hold of my leg and was pulling me further into the water refusing me any chance to return to the surface for air. I kicked out my legs everywhere I could and clawed at the water desperate to reach the surface to breathe. But it was useless. I closed my eyes and let the water take complete control of my body. 

This is the end.

Just as my eyes closed, the beeping sound that I had heard not long ago started sounding but even louder than it had on top of the clouds. The sound got louder and louder and I opened my eyes shocked at the volume. And there right before me was the light. It was even brighter than before and was within reaching distance. The same masculine voice I had heard up in the air was now with me in the water and was coming directly from the light. His voice provided comfort and words of encouragement and spurred me to fight against the water and the force. I kicked my almost frozen legs and reached into the light and instantly felt warmth.

I was no longer submerged in water, but instead I was wrapped up in blankets and resting on a soft mattress. My eyes opened and closed slowly adjusting to the bright light that was shining down from above. I looked up at the ceiling, my eyebrows scrunching together as I stared up at the patterns on the wall that I had not seen before. The beeping noise could still be heard in the background but was not as loud as before. The light was nowhere to be seen and the man's voice had disappeared too. I let out a sad sigh desperate to hear it once more. My eyes had now fully adjusted to the bright light and I began to focus on the objects in the room hoping it would help me to figure out where I was.

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