You Are My Heavan

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Ashton's POV:

I squeezed Calum's hand tightly as I was hit another contraction. The drugs wore off long ago and Luke still isn't back yet. I can't believe that asshole left me here alone while I was in labor with his kid, typical Luke.

"Where the fuck is he!? This is his kid too!"

"Ashton calm down, down worry about Luke right now, I'm here focus on the baby." I sighed in defeat and rubbed my aching bump. Michael barged through the doors with an annoyed look on his face, "I got ahold of Luke, he's gonna be here, he just said he had to take care of something important."

"What's more important than this, I'm having his kid and he isn't even here!" I shouted, Calum gave my hand a reassuring squeeze but I was still fuming.

"Did he say where he was?" Calum asked with anger evident in his voice. Michael shook his red head, "I don't know, he wouldn't say."

Tears began to form in my eyes, Calum wiped them away with his thumbs and smiled, "Ash, why are you crying? Everything's going to be okay, I promise I'm not gonna leave you."

"I'm just scared, I wanted him to be here. He doesn't love me anymore, he's never around!"

"I'm sure he loves you and if he doesn't that's his loss. You deserve so much more than him." I slightly smiled, I heard laughing from the other side of the room and turned to see Michael giggling away. I threw a pillow at him, "You always ruin everything," Calum was blushing, I couldn't help but laugh along with Michael.

"What's so funny? Why are you laughing at me?"

"Hey don't get a boner over it," Michael said, Calum looked down at his pants and blushed even harder, "I'll be right back." Calum said, getting up and walking out of the room, covering his crotch.


Luke's POV:

I pulled up to the all familiar building. I looked around and took in my surroundings, memories flooding back. I slowly walked up and knocked on the front door, moments later it swung open.

"Oh, I see you've come back for more," Heather smirked, flipping her wavy, brown hair over her shoulder. I glared at her, "You know why I'm here, we need to talk."

"So you got my text? I knew it'd get you to come crawling back to me."

"Shut up, I don't have time for your little games anymore, leave my family alone or you'll regret it." I spat. She scoffed, "Yeah and what is it I'll regret, you have nothing against me. If you mess with me, you mess with Peter."

"Who the fuck is Peter?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait to find out," She said. I balled up my fists, fighting the urge to punch her square in the face.

"What do you want from me?" I snarled.

She smiled manically, "Goodbye Luke, I'll see you soon," the door slammed shut before I could react. I banged on the door but no answer. I then tried to force it open but it wouldn't budge, I slid down the door in defeat and pulled at my hair. What am I going to do? I fucking screwed up, I don't know what she wants from me, that's the worse part.

I felt a buzzing in my pocket, I pulled out my phone and saw I had multiple messages from Michael.

Where are you?!

Why aren't you answering me?!

Luke Robert fucking Hemmings pick up your phone.

Ashton is crying for you get your ass over here now!

Michael I quickly scrambled back to the car, I was shaking, I tried jamming my keys into the ignition but they just fell to the ground. "Shit," I cursed under my breath as I felt around under the seat for them.

I pulled out of the driveway and raced back to the hospital. I swear I ran at least 3 red lights but right now that's the least of my worries.

I pulled into the hospital, and ran to Ashton's room but I was stopped straight in my tracks. I the door was slightly open, just enough for me to see through. Ashton was curled into Calum's side, crying and shaking as Calum rubbed his back. I felt a pang of jealousy put pushed the feeling away. I stepped into the room, clearing my throat. The two looked up at me, my heart broke when I saw Ashton's face, I could tell he was in so much pain but he just cracked a small, pained smile. I rushed over to him, ignoring Calum's presence.

I took Ashton's face in my hands, "Ashton I'm so so sorry, I swear I'll never leave you again," I said with tears streaming down my face.

"I thought you weren't going to come back, I was so scared," he sobbed, I shushed him.

"I promise that will never happen, I love you so much." I wrapped my arms around his fragile body and let him cry into my chest.

"I-uh, I'm just gonna go." Calum said, neither of us acknowledged his statement, we were too busy enjoying each other's embrace.

"Luke?" I heard Ashton squeak.


"It hurts."

"I know it does babe, your so strong, you can do this,"

"Can you sing to me?" he sniffled.

"What do you want me to sing?"

"Anything, just sing." I thought for a second. I then began to sing the lyrics softly into his ear as I rubbed circles on his belly,

A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me

Might end up together

It's like wishing for rain

As I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most

'Cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend

If you don't love me, pretend

A few more hours, then it's time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast

I wonder how you'll keep warm

Too late to cry

Too broken to move on

Still I can't let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

Don't take what you don't need

From me...

I was interrupted by a sudden beeping noise coming from one of the machines. Many doctors came rushing in, I was pushed to the side as they tried to figure out what was going on.


Ashton's POV:

Doctors swarmed around me, trying to find you he cause of the beeping. I lay there helpless, I feared for my babies life. I had no idea what was going on. They talked with their medical words, like a foreign language I couldn't understand.

"We need to rush him to the O.R, the fetus is dying!" I began to panic, the doctors had to hold me down as they quickly wheeled my bed out of the room and down the hall, Luke trailing behind them.


I'm so sorry for the long wait! I've been so busy and couldn't find the time to write but I really hope you guys like this chapter. It's kind of crappy and unedited but I know I promised an update. I will try my hardest to update again soon but it won't be until at least Wednesday because I have school all day and then I have to stay after school to cheer for the football game which I probably won't get home from until 10. I also sprained my ankle really bad yesterday in tumbling, fml but all your comments make me feel better. I read each and every one of them, I'm sorry I can't reply to all but please keep commenting! I love you all so much!

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