Home Again

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Calum's POV:

Michael came back a couple hours later, but with no Luke.

"Any luck?" I asked but I already knew the answer. Michael shook his head, defeated and plopped down on the couch next to me. "We're gonna have to cancel our flight, our plane is probably leaving right now." I nodded.

"Where's Ashton?" he asked me.

"I told him to rest before we leave, he was just really stressed out." I then got up, "I'm gonna go check on him, you go cancel the flight."

I walked down the hallway to the bedroom, then I slowly opened the door and tip-toed in, careful not to wake him. I heard sniffling, he wasn't asleep.

"Ashton?" I climbed on the bed next to him, "Why are you crying? I told you to rest."

"I couldn't sleep, I'm so worried about Luke." he cried. I wrapped my arms around his fragile body and let him cry into my chest. Luke is such an idiot, when he screws up I'm always the one that has to fix it. I was wondering if we should have just left without him, he's a big boy, he can find his way back home. None of us should have to suffer from his petty mistakes, especially Ashton. I don't understand why he keeps going back to Luke when all he does is hurt him. I would never do that to Ashton, I'm always the one comforting him when he cries, not Luke.

Luke's POV:

I feel awful for running away from Ashton like that, I ran away from him when he needed me most. I just hate how he never tells me anything, he always goes to Calum or Michael, never me.

I ran away to the only place I could think of, the bar. I didn't even drink that much, only a couple beers but still enough to take away the edge. I looked down at my phone to see that it was already past 5, shit we missed our flight, well I missed it. I ran out of the almost empty bar and back to the hotel, it was fairly far so by the time I made it back I was dripping sweat and out of breath. It probably would have been a good idea to call a cab.

I hurried back to our room, I didn't bring the room key with me so I had to knock on the door. I wasn't really expecting anyone to answer, they probably left without me but to my surprise, Michael answered and he did not look happy.

"Where the fuck were you?! I looked all over for you and I couldn't-", before Michael could finish, Ashton came out of the room followed by Calum. He attacked me in a hug and began mumbling things in my ear I couldn't understand. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Calum glaring at me, but I don't even care right now. I'm just glad that I have Ashton.

I pulled away and looked into his beautiful green eyes that were clouded with tears, I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Michael fake gaged and Calum cleared his throat, we pulled away quickly. Ashton's cheeks were bright red, he looks so cute when he blushes.

Michael shook his head and laughed, "I rescheduled our flight for tomorrow morning, be ready by 6 am." I nodded and put my arm around Ashton's waist, letting my hand rest on the side of his bump.

Calum and Michael left so it was just Ashton and I, we were currently sitting on the couch watching Tv but I wasn't even paying attention to what was on the screen, I was to busy watching Ashton. He looked over and saw me starring at him, "what?"

"Nothing, I just like watching you."

"Well that's not creepy at all..." I laughed, "Not like that, your just so beautiful I can't keep my eyes of you." He smiled, showing of his dimples and lay'd his head against my chest focusing his attention back on the television.

"Ashton you know how sorry I am, right?" He groaned, "yes, you've apologized a million times already, it's fine."

"I just want you to know that I didn't want to hurt you and I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I know, it's just... a lot of stress and I guess it helps me calm down."

I paused the Tv, and looked him in the eyes, "Promise me that if you ever feel like you need to do it, you'll talk to me. I just don't want you to end up killing yourself and the baby." He rolled him eyes.

"I promise, now can you unpause the Tv, the show was getting good."

"You realize your talking about Dance Moms, right?"

"Yeah whatever it's called, it's interesting okay." I chuckled and unpaused the Tv. We watched a couple more episodes of Dance Moms before we both fell asleep on the couch with the Tv still blaring.


Ashton's POV:

I jolted awake by the sound of my phone ringing, I looked at the caller ID.

"What do you want Michael?"

"We have to go! Wait you don't remember what I said yesterday, we have to leave by 6:00 and it's 5:54."

"Oh right! We'll be out as soon as possible." I hung up and set my phone back on the coffee table. I shook Luke, "Get up you fat ass we have to go, we don't want to miss our plane again." He groaned but didn't wake up. I sighed and got up to get dressed, when I came back he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him but I had to, we were already late.

"Luke seriously we have to go." He didn't even budge, well there's only one thing left to do. I went into the small kitchen and filled up a glass of water, I poured it on Luke's head and he jumped up.

"What the hell was that for?!"

I giggled and picked up my backpack, "We're late, we have to go." He sighed and got up slipping on his vans and carrying our luggage out of the room since I obviously couldn't. We met Michael and Calum down in the lobby, they had already checked out so we could get to the airport.

"Luke why are you wet?" Calum asked. Luke turned around and glared at me, "Someone poured a glass of water on my head." Calum burst out laughing and Michael smiled, amused.

"Do you realize how difficult it is to wake you up?" He just shook his head and chuckled a little.

"Well we better go before we miss our flight." Michael said we all nodded and made our way out of the hotel, out rental car was sitting out front. We all got in and drove to the airport, once we were there we turned in the car and got our luggage checked. By the time we were done the plane was already boarding, we made it just in time.

I slept the whole way home and I'm pretty sure the other boys did too. We drove back to the flat we all shared, we dropped all of our luggage in the doorway.

"Well were home again." Luke said plopping down on the couch. I sat next to him, laying my head in his lap.

"Yep, home again."


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