Where's Luke?

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Ashton's POV:

It's been almost 2 weeks since I found out. Calum and Luke still don't know, but I think Calum suspects that something is different. I've gotten a little bit bigger and you can definitely see the bump forming.

Michael and I were sitting in the doctors waiting room. I hear my name get called by the same nurse I saw 2 weeks ago. I get up and turn to Michael.

"You can come with me, only if you want to."

He looks surprised by my offer but immediately stands up and smiles.
"Of course I want to go." The two of us follow the nurse to a room like the last but this time there is also some kind of machine next to the table, I'm guessing it's for the ultrasound.

The nurse takes my height and weight, I weigh even more than I did last time. That's to be expected because I already feel huge. When the nurse leaves it was just me and Michael in the room, me sitting on the table with only a hospital gown on, only because the nurse told me to put it on, and Michael sitting in the chair across from me.

"Are you excited to see the baby?" he asks trying to break the silence. I just shrug and look down. It really is awkward wearing this thing. I hear a knock on the door and Dr. Robbins comes in smiling.

"Hello Mr. Irwin" she holds out her hand for me to shake and I do. Then she turns around and does the same with Michael.

"I'm Dr. Robbins and you must be the father." we look at each other for a moment awkwardly.

"He's not the father, he's just a friend." I correct.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you-"

"Michael" he says. She smiles and nods.

"Michael" she repeats. She then pulls up the stool next the table.

"So how have things been? Any new symptoms? Problems?"

"It's been good. I still have really bad morning sickness and my feet and ankles are starting to well a bit, but other than that nothing seems to be wrong." She writes it down on the clipboard she brought in. She stands up and grabs a blue sheet from the cabinet.

"Okay I'm going to need you to lay back and I'm going to put this sheet over your legs." She the sheet over my legs and then pulls up the gown revealing my growing stomach. I can see out of the corner of my eye, Michael staring at it. He gets up and stands next to me, I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

"This is going to be cold." Dr. Robbins informs me as she squirts the gel on my stomach and starts moving the wand around. I look up at the screen seeing a slightly larger blob than last time. Tears well up in my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"Is that it?" Michael asks pointing to the screen. She nods. He mumbles a 'wow' and continues watching.

"The baby seems to be progressing fairly well. Its a little small for being 13 weeks but that is to be expected."

"When can I find out the gender?" I ask.

"We won't be able to know until your about 21 weeks along" she says. "Would you like some pictures?" I nod.

"Would you like two like last time?"

"No, I'll just be needing one."


Calum's POV:

"Where could it be?" I mumble to myself frustrated. I was looking around the house for my favorite beanie but I couldn't find it any where. Oh wait, I remember I let Ashton borrow it so it's probably in his room. I go up stairs and enter his room. Wow he really needs to learn to clean up after himself. I start looking through all junk Ashton has in his room until I come across a small piece of paper. I didn't know what it was at first so I pick it up and examine it, it's an ultrasound picture? I look at the name in the corner and it says 'Ashton Irwin'. Why would Ashton have this? I put the picture in my pocket and leave the room. The beanie isn't important right now, what is important is finding out what Ashton is doing with this ultrasound picture.


Ashton's POV:

As soon as Michael and I entered the door Calum rushed over looking angry.

"What is this?" he holds up a small piece of paper. My heart drops when I realize what it is.

"Ashton!" Calum yells and gets so close that my belly is up against his. "What is this?!" he asks again, this time a lot louder. I just stand their not knowing what to do. Michael pushes him away and gets between us.

"Calum just calm down, okay?"

"No I won't calm down! I found this ultrasound picture in his room with the name Ashton Irwin written on it and I want to know why you have it!" Calum screams at Michael.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper as tears start to well up in my eyes. Calum looks at me confused. "Yes, that ultrasound is mine. I-I'm pregnant." His face softens a little but Michael doesn't move.

"Your pregnant?" he asks and I nod.

"It's okay if you want me to leave the band, I've already thought about it. I'll be out of here by tomorrow." I say about to walk away but Michael grabs my arm.

"No ones leaving the band. We can make it work but just... don't leave, please." Calum is still standing in the same place and still hasn't said anything.

"I-I just. I don't know I just have to process this for a little bit." he storms out if the of the flat slamming the door. I run up the stairs and I hear Michael run after me. I sit on the edge the bed and put my head in my hands, crying loudly. Michael wraps his arms around me and I cry in his shoulder.

"I knew he would hate me. How could I be so stupid? I just left it out without even thinking about it!"

"Ashton, he doesn't hate you. He just had to think about it for a little bit. Its a lot to take, he'll come around." I calm down a little and realize that I haven't seen Luke. Where was he during all of this?

"W-where's Luke?"

"He texted me earlier. He said he went to go do something, he didn't say where he was going though." I sigh, relieved that he wasn't here, but at the same time I was worried. He didn't say where was going, I just hope that he's okay.


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple days, there has just been a lot going on and I've just been really depressed lately but I'm back now! This chapter probably sucks but I just wanted to give you a little update. Thank you so much for voting and commenting, it really makes me feel better! If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me. I might update again today or maybe tomorrow. I do this on my phone so I'm sorry for any errors.

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