I quit

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Ashton's POV:

I woke up with my head on Luke's chest. All the memories of last night came rushing back. The arguing. The crying. The kiss. I can't believe I let him kiss me, but I have to admit that it was amazing.

My thoughts were interrupted by a swift kick hitting the side of my stomach. I smiled to myself, placing my hands on either side of my bump feeling her kick.

I heard movement next to me, I looked over to see that Luke was awake staring back at me, he smirked and sat up. "Good morning", he said.

I said a quick good morning, not taking my eyes off my bump.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. She's kicking again."

He scooted closer to me placing his hand on my belly next to mine, waiting for another movement. She kicked again. Both of us giggled and continued feeling for our daughters kicks.

"That one was a hard one," I said. He laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"She's definitely going to be a football player when she gets older." I frowned a little at that, I won't be able to see her grow up, someone else will. She'll be calling someone else mommy and daddy, but they aren't her real parents, we are. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, these damn hormones are really getting annoying.

"Hey don't cry, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring that up." He wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb, leaving his hand on my cheek. He looked into my eyes and then leaned in, kissing me softly on the lips.

There was a knock at the door, we both pulled away quickly before Luke got up to answer it. Luckily it was just Calum and Michael.

"Hey management called, they said that they wanted to speak with the both of you." Calum said. I sat up straight, I knew exactly what they wanted to talk to us about but I didn't expect it to be this soon. Luke and I shared a quick glance.

"Is-is it about what happened last night?" Luke stuttered.

"They didn't say, but don't worry about it, if they kick you out of the band I'm leaving too." Michael said giving us a reassuring smile. Calum agreed.

"Well let's just get this over with," I mumbled getting up. Michael and Calum both went back to their room so Luke and I could get dressed.

I put on a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie. After I was dressed I called Adam's (our manager) assistant, asking her where to meet, she told me that we will be meeting him in the conference room they have down stairs.

Luke and I walked down in silence. Adams assistant, Farah, met us in the lobby and lead us to the conference room, Adam was sitting behind a desk clicking his pen.

"Hello boys, take a seat," He motions toward the two chairs sitting in front of the desk. My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding.

"I heard about the incident that happened last night, care to explain?" Luke reached for my hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

"I'm pregnant, with Luke's baby." I said simply. There was no other way to put it. Adam didn't look convinced but I kept a straight face.

"This isn't anything to joke about boys, I want to know what that was about right know and I want the truth!" He said rather harshly.

"That is the truth." Luke retorted.

"Both of you need to stop joking around with me this instant, as you can see I am not in the mood for this. You are wasting my time!" My hormones were raging now. For some reason I got up and lifted my hoodie, revealing my large bump.

"Does this prove to you that we're not joking around with you? Do need me to fucking pee on a stick to get it through your thick head?!" His eyes widened. I instantly regretted what I did, I pulled my hoodie back down and sat back in the plastic chair.

Adam was fuming. "We can't have you in the band while you're carrying that.... thing. I don't care what you have to do but get rid of it!" I clenched my jaw. Luke stood up about to punch Adam in the face but he held himself back.

"You really don't have a say in what we do with OUR daughter! Your lucky I'm not strangling you right now because I promise you that I would be if Ashton weren't here."

"I want you both out of this band! I will not be representing two faggots like you!" I stood up next to Luke.

"Too late. I quit." With that I stormed out of the room with hot tears streaming down my face.

I heard a loud slam and then a scream, two body guards came out dragging a struggling Luke. One of them was speaking into a walkie-talkie and the other was trying to keep Luke contained, Luke completely lost it. He was screaming and thrashing around, trying to break out if the guards grip. I didn't know what to do. I frozen in place.

A couple minutes later, cops came running in pinning Luke against the wall and handcuffing his hands behind his back. I tried to lunge towards him but someone held me back. It was Michael. He pulled me into his chest shielding my eyes from what was going on right in front of me, I struggled to get out of his grip but I wasn't strong enough so I just collapsed in his arms.

"You have the right to remain silent and whatever you say can and will be used against you." I heard on of the cops deep voice say, I opened my eyes to see them dragging Luke away, he turned around and looked at me with guilt in his eyes he mumbled 'I'm sorry' before he was pulled out of the hotel lobby. Everything was silent except for my sobbing, I expected that this wasn't going to go well but I never expected anything like this to happen.

I was still crying when Michael pick me up bridal style, carrying me back to the room, Calum stayed to talk to one of the officers.

When we got back to the room, Michael sat down on the couch with me still in his arms, he kept whispering soothing words until I finally calmed down enough to speak.

"He's such a fucking idiot!" I cried. Michael just kept rocking me back and fourth.

"I know he is but it's going to be okay."

"No it's not! He kicked us out of the band Michael! I'm so sorry, I ruined everything!"

"Shh, Ashton it's not your fault, don't apologize. We don't need Adam, he's a dick anyway." I laughed at that. He really was a dick and what ever Luke did he probably deserved it, but that doesn't make it right.

Calum came through the door looking worn out, he sighed and sat next to us on the couch. The three of us sat there like that for what seemed like hours.

"Ashton do you want anything to eat, your probably starving aren't you?" I just shook my head. The only thing that I could think about doing right now is cut.

"I know you may not want to eat right now but you have to, for the baby." Calum lectured. I finally agreed, while they were ordering room service I slipped away into the bathroom. I found my razor that I kept just in case I needed it. I pulled up my sleeve and pressed the sharp blade into my skin, sliding it across my already healed scars.

When I felt content I put the razor back where I had it and wiped up the blood seeping from the cuts. I know I promised Calum that I wouldn't do it again but it's the only thing that can take my mind away from reality.


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