Clouds Disperse

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Zetsu: This is a horrible idea. We're gonna die. Why are you so negative? Why are you not negative?

Y/N: Are you two just going to argue the entire way there. (This is perfect, just my luck right?)

Zetsu: Do I really have to answer that question? Questions are meant to be answered. Who asked you!

Y/N: (This has gotta be my punishment for insulting Leader. I just hope splitting up will make us less detectable.)


Pein: If we are to have any chance, we need to all be present to fight. However, our group is too big to move as one. We'll be easily detected. Which is why we will split up and meet up once we get there. Understood?

Everyone: Hai!


Y/N and Zetsu continued their course. Black and White Zetsu bickering the entire way there.

Y/N: If you can just basically teleport anywhere you want. Why not just teleport yourself there?

Zetsu: It's more complex than that dumbass! What he means, is we can only teleport ourselves. Not others. Why are you being logical? I thought you were the stronger one among us and yet you ask me that. Shut up!

Y/N: Would you two shut up already! You two are worse than Hidan and he is annoying as fuck!

Zetsu: Don't compare us to that fake religion worshipping retard! I thought we were comrades, why are we fighting? Hidan and Kakazu fight, why can't we?

Y/N: Don't forget Deidara and Sasori. I respect Sasori and I'm cool with Deidara, but it really gets annoying when they start yelling about art.

Zetsu: Tell me about it! I'm surprised Kakazu hasn't dismembered Hidan and hid his limbs yet. I wonder if Hidan's arm would taste any good. No! If you make us eat him I will literally throw us into one of Itachi's Amaterasus.

Y/N: Can you just do that anyway?

Zetsu: Shut up.

Kisame: You think we stand any chance?

Itachi: It's a gamble. Madara was the strongest of us all and Sotan, we have no idea what she can do. The only person that had any clue of her skills was Cross.

Kisame: Yeah and he's dead. I don't know Itachi, I have a feeling this fight is gonna go south pretty fast.

Itachi: Leader-Sama is really ambitious if he wants to kill Madara. As far as we know, no one knows we're even out here. We will not be getting reinforcements.

Kisame: Your right about that. Samehada isn't looking forward to this either. Also, what do you think pissed Y/N off so much?

Itachi: It could be multiple things, but I bet it has something to so with his sisters.

Kisame: Hehe, wanna bet on it?

Itachi: I rather not. You could ask Kakazu.

Kisame: Nah, knowing him he'll probably place the bet at an absurd amount.

Itachi: Agreed.

Y/N: What I'm wondering is if we're going to fight two of the most powerful shinobi, why are you here? I thought you were a spy.

Zetsu: We are. We're here to provide informational support.

Y/N: Informational, huh? Ya sure it isn't because you two used to be Madara's slave.

The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon