An Old Friend's Cruel Return

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Y/N: C-Cross?!

All of the Akatsuki even Hidan, looked on with wide eyes. That their comrade that died. Was standing here in front of them.

Cross: Yeah, it is me. I see you decided to keep the eye. Sorry about trying to kill you before. Pein, sorry for betraying the Akatsuki.

Pein: You were forgiven a long time ago.

Y/N: Cross. How are you alive? You died!

Cross: It is called Edo Tensei. A technique created by the second hokage. It allows a person to bring a shinobi back from the dead under their full control. This damn jutsu is a pain.

Deidara: I'll show those bastards true art, hm.

Y/N: Cross, don't you worry. We'll find a way to undo this.

Cross: The only way that can be done is if the person who used it is killed. In this state I am still dead, but I can't be sent back into the afterlife if I'm striked down. I'll just be regenerated.

The resurrected nin's eyes went from red to purple as his abyssal eyes activated.

Cross: I also have no control over my actions.

Cross dashed forward and flashed out of view and reappeared shortly after. Kicking Hidan and Kakazu into a wall. Cross could only look on in sadness as he was forced to attack his friends. Cross flashed through handseals and soon dark chakra gathered in his hand. A second later he slammed it into the ground and shouted "Dark Style: Light Trapping Shockwave." The area around the resurrected Cabello combusted into purple smoke and soon it released a shockwave of immense power. All of the Akatsuki nin jumped away as fast as they could.

Konan: We have to do something. He was right when he said he had no control.

Itachi: We should find a way to restrain him.

Pein: Sasori. Try your best to restrain him. Y/N distract him so Sasori can get close.

Y/N&Sasori: Hai!

Immediately following orders, Y/N charged foward and engaged Cross in a Taijutsu fight. However, Cross was faster than he was when he was alive. Y/N wasn't able to block most of the attacks thrown at him. He was however able to distract the resurrected nin for long enough, so Sasori could wrap chakra threads around him. In quick succession, Sasori pulled Cross to the ground.

Y/N: Sasori, do you think there is a way to bring him back?

Sasori: I do not know.

Cross: There is no point. I just want to go back to the afterlife and be done with this all.

Y/N: Not gonna happen buddy. Everyone deserves a second chance, even you. Sasori I'm gonna have to call on that favour.

Sasori: Now? Alright then, what is it?

Y/N: Try to find a way to break this Edo Tensei.

Turning around, Y/N gave a nod. Signaling that Cross was restrained.

Cross: Why? I tried to kill you and yet your willing to save me from this. Why?

Y/N: It's quite simple actually. I need someone to teach me how to use this eye and I rather have my actual partner back. I've been forced to work with Zetsu, and I'm not a fan.

Cross was soon fully tied up and he had seals put on him that blocked his chakra, therefore he couldn't use any jutsu. His semblance wasn't responding either. The Akatsuki were all gathered around, little more relaxed that the spy wasn't among the remaining Akatsuki members.

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