The Akatsuki Fall

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Ozpin: Mr. Rose

Y/N: Ozpin

Ozpin: .....Why did you come here? What do you seek?

Ozpin spun around in his chair to take a good look at Y/N. Still wearing his cloak and kasa, however his slashed moon headband just barely being visible.

Y/N: Listen and you listen good, Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin gestured for Y/N to continue as he sipped on his coffee.... or was it tea?

Y/N: I have come here for one purpose. Power, and your gonna give it to us.

Ozpin: And if I refuse?

Y/N: Vale will crumble at your feet. Come on Oz, you don't really have a choice in the matter.

Ozpin: Hmmm. That is a conflicting predicament indeed.

Y/N: You'll have 24 hours to decide. And if you mention our presences to anyone, Vale will fall whether or not you comply with our orders.

Y/N turned to leave, but what Ozpin asked next. Made him freeze, dead cold.

Ozpin: Why did you leave?

Y/N:..... You better not be implying what I think you are.

Ozpin: They were your family. Your sisters are here. You have a chance to start over and leave this path of darkness.

Y/N: What did I fucking say that implied that I wanted a goddamn due over! And what made you think that I didn't choose this path myself!

Ozpin: I can see it in your eyes. Your hurting, suffering, brok-

Y/N slammed his hands on the table and stared directly into Ozpin's eyes with killer intent that could make Salem shit her pants.

Y/N: You know nothing. You got 24 hours headmaster. Make the right choice. Teleportation Jutsu.

Y/N disappeared out of site, leaving Ozpin alone deep in thought of what he should do. On the outside Cross and Y/N had already left Beacon and were heading towards a hotel to spend the night.

Location- Unknown

Four mysterious figures surrounded a fire. As one figure spoke.

F1: Our goal is to find and kill Y/N Rose. Any questions?

F3: Yeah, what about him?

F1: If we find Cross Cabello, we are to capture him. Lord Kurakage's orders.

F2: And if we can't?

F1: If we can't. We are to kill him and take and contain his eyes.

Next Morning- Vale

Inside the hotel room the Akatsuki nin were staying in, they were getting preparations done. Cross at the moment was contacting Pein.

Pein: And your positive he'll refuse?

Cross: Leader, its Ozpin. That bastard is super stuck up and annoying to deal with. I assure you, he will refuse, no matter what we claim to do.

Pein: Alright, but in the case he refuses. Contact me immediately and I'll call off the assault. Other than that, you two will have enough rain nin to crush Vale in one day.

Cross: Hai Leader-Sama

The line went dead as the Akatsuki leader hung up. Cross looked over to Y/N, he was sitting on his bed in silence. 'I swear he wasn't this quiet yesterday. Ozpin what the hell did you do?'

The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें