The Old Partner Switch

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     Sasori and Y/N had just past across the Land of Wind border and were beginning to enter the desert. Y/N wasn't too worried about the heat it the wind, considering his kasa covered his face from the sun and the sand being picked up by the sand. He was worried about getting caught in a sand storm.

Sasori: Calm down. By the time a sand storm comes, we'll be out of the Land of Wind.

Y/N: Unless we run into some Suna-nin.

Sasori: Who would be idiotic enough to attempt to fight two S-Ranked skilled missing-nin at the same time.

Y/N: Yeah, but I bet their still on alert after the attack you and Deidara did.

Sasori: That was a year ago and I doubt they've gotten wind of what happened in Vale.

Y/N: They will eventually. It's unavoidable.

Sasori: Doubt they'll care. The ninja villages and Remenant kingdoms have never really been on the best terms.

Y/N: Hmmm. You are right about that. I just hope Cross and Deidara can succeed this time around.

Sasori: They will and if they don't. We'll most likely get control over Vacuo. Itachi and Kisame were sent over to do the same thing you and Cross went to Vale for.

Y/N: Yeah. Unlike me and Cross, Itachi and Kisame are a little more convincing and intimidating.

     Cross and Deidara decided to cut through the forest and ended up near one of the holes in the wall.

Deidara: Judging by that hole, I'm assuming my art helped. Hn.

Cross: Indeed. Don't know how you managed to pack the power of a C2 Dragon into a bomb the size of your fist. Great job though.

Deidara: Thank you. Now, how we gonna get in, hn.

Cross: We could use a Henge. You know that right?

Deidara: Yeah, hn.

Cross: Alright, here is what we'll do.

     After walking for about 2 hours, Sasori and Y/N were nearing the meeting location.

Y/N: Give me a rundown of how this will go.

Sasori: It's simply. We meet with my spy and get the information he has collected and leave. However, we need to be quick to insure we're not spotted and my spy's cover isn't blown.

     Y/N nodded and the Akatsuki nin continued walking, as they walked up to an abandoned Suna facility, they saw the spy standing outside. Mask covering his face. Suna headband around his shoulder. He spotted them and waited for them to near.

Kotaro: Lord Sasori.

Sasori: Kotaro, do you have the information?

Kotaro: Yes, Lord Sasori. I have the information, but let's hurry this up. I informed the Kazekage I would be back within an hour. I only have 15 minutes left.

     Kotaro handed Y/N the scroll. He turned towards Sasori and informed the puppeteer that one of the other spys in Suna was discovered a week earlier.

Sasori: Hmmm, lay low. Wait for things to calm. Don't worry about Fuma. She was too daring and that got her caught. They'll be looking out for more spys, so lay low and work as a regular Suna-nin for awhile. We'll be going now.

     Kotaro bowed to the Akatsuki nin and left. Sasori and Y/N did the same and turned back and went back the way they came. The two not even bothering to check the scroll. Considering Kotaro was one of Sasori's most loyal spys.

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