Painful Memories, Flooding Back

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Taiyang Xiao Long stood in Ozpin's office. Glynda Goodwitch on the other side of the desk. Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long on each side of their father. Glynda was currently in a conversation with Pein, attempting to get Y/N to meet with her.

Pein: I am sorry Goodwitch, but I do not know where he is.

Glynda: Why not? I thought you were his leader.

Pein: I am, however I don't keep my members on leashes. I'm sure Y/N will show up sooner or later.

Suddenly on Pein's end, another voice came on.

Konan: You said you were looking for Y/N, correct Pein-Sama?

Pein: Indeed.

Konan: Itachi said he spotted Y/N near the main gates. Itachi passed the request on.

Pein: Good. See Goodwitch, things worked out.

Glynda: Very well then.

A couple minutes that felt like hours passed. The four sat in silence. They all snapped their heads towards the door as they heard a click. The door opened and in the doorway stood Y/N Rose. In his Akatsuki attire.

Y/N: You wanted to see me?

Glynda; Yes, Y/N please. Come i-

Taiyang: S-Son? Y-Y/N?

Both Ruby and Yang stood next to Tai and smiled. Ear to ear. Tai stared pleading at his long lost son. However, once the two men locked eyes. Tai saw something he wasn't expecting, anger and hatred.

Glynda: Y/N, I'm going to need you to con-

Y/N: No. I'm done here.

Glynda: You are certainly not! I order you to remain here.

Y/N: Since when were you my leader. Your just an associate.

Taiyang: Y/N, please.

Y/N: You shut up! I could kill you if I wanted, the only reason I am not is because it would instantly have this alliance between Vale and the Akatsuki destroyed. However, I won't hesitate to break bones.

Taiyang: Y/N, please give me a chance. It has been 6 years.

Y/N: Yeah, and like you gave me a chance. The 10 years before my departure.

Taiyang: Please, Y/N. My son- ahgh!

Tai was cut off as Y/N used his semblance to appear in front of Tai. Y/N immediately grabbed Tai's throat, tightening his grip. He looked into his father's eyes.

Y/N: Pathetic. To think, at one point. Mother actually loved you.

Y/N dropped Tai to the floor and walked out the door. A loud slam following.

Y/N destroyed another rock in rage and fury. All the Akatsuki were currently in a forest, waiting for Pein.

Y/N: Ahhhhhhhhh! Motherfucker!

Kisame: How long has he been at it?

Deidara: 20 minutes.

Hidan: Wonder what got him so pissed off.

Deidara: Hehe, why not go ask him. Hm.

Hidan: What?! Hell no! When Y/N gets pissed off like this, he's scarier than Leader.

Kisame: We can all agree on that.

Pein walked into the clearing. As soon as Y/N spotted him. He stopped, he proceeded to stand next to Itachi. Killer intent still fuming off him.

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