Something.... Isn't Right

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In their respected groups of two, the Akatsuki moved in. Deidara and Zetsu staying back. Itachi's sharingan flared up as he turned back to Y/N.

Itachi: Have you learned how to use that eye yet?

Y/N: Barely.

Itachi: Very well then, let's keep moving.

Y/N and Itachi quietly, but swiftly, moved into the sound's training academy. Itachi slid a kunai out from his sleeve and Y/N gripped Willbreaker's hilt. Both ready for battle if need be.

Itachi: Check that room.

Itachi signaled to a room across the hall. With a swift nod, Y/N made his way towards the door as he slowly slid Willbreaker from its sheath. Putting his hand on the door, he pushed and surprisingly the door was already open. The room was empty except for papers scattering on the floor, tables and chairs flipped over, and scratches on the wall.

Y/N: Clear.

Y/N slid back into the hallway, Itachi joining soon after. They continued their way through the academy.

Deidara: Anything?

Zetsu: No. Absolutely nothing except for the others.

Deidara: Something isn't right. Hm.

Zetsu: Indeed.

Itachi and Y/N halted outside the last door of the academy. Couple seconds later, they opened the door slowly. Nothing could have prepared them for what they saw. Inside that room, hung by a rope was a rain-nin wearing an Akatsuki cloak. Kunai and shuriken covered the nin's body. But what was the most worrisome part was the fact that the word "welcome" was carved in the nin's exposed chest.

Y/N: I know for a fact this is Kabuto's work.

Itachi: It's sickening really.

Y/N: They won't get away with this. If we can't defeat Madara or Sotan. I sure as hell am taking Kabuto with me

Itachi: Agreed. However, we can't let ourselves get distracted. This man will have a proper burial after we are done. We need to focus right now.

Y/N: Right. Let's just get this over with.

The two nin left the academy and hid in the shadows. Awaiting further orders.

Using his camera eye, Deidara increased its zoom. Scanning the area for anything. Zetsu was scanning the chakra signatures in the village.

Zetsu: It is still only 8 others besides us. There is literally no sign of any other signatures.

Deidara: Maybe their concealed, hn.

Zetsu: Maybe, but sooner or later we'd find them.

Deidara: Y/N and Uchiha have left the academy. Danna and fish stick have left the enclosed training grounds. No sign of Hidan or Kakazu. Hm.

Zetsu: What about Leader-Sama and Konan?

Deidara: No sign.

5 more minutes passed and still nothing. Zetsu had expanded his search and nothing.

Zetsu: This is bullshit. They should be here, we were given their exact location and that led here.

Deidara: Maybe it was a decoy.

Zetsu: What do you mean?

Deidara: Hn. Maybe Sotan or Madara planted that information as a decoy to lead us away.

Zetsu: Fuck me. Ya know Deidara? You can be really intelligent when you try.

Deidara: What's that suppose to mean?

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