Purple Meets Silver

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     In all honesty, Y/N had no idea what the fuck he was doing. He couldn't deactivate the eye, but for some reason it wasn't draining his chakra. He may have the eye, but he had no idea how to use it. Cross made it look so easy. He would never understand Cross' true intentions, but he wouldn't have given Y/N his own eye if the intentions weren't good. Y/N gathered his gear that was scattered around the clearing. He also grabbed Willbreaker and its sheath and attached it to his back. Grabbing his partners body, he began to head back to Vale. Once he got back, he would have Cross properly buried next to his parents. After that, he needed to figure out how this damn eye worked. He could ask Itachi, but the sharingan is far different than the abyssal eyes.

     Y/N was sitting in the middle of Beacon's courtyard, meditating. Deep in thought, concentrating chakra to his right eye. He halted once he felt someone approaching.

Y/N: Need something, Ruby?

Ruby: Eep. How did you know I was here?

Y/N: I could sense your chakra. Anyway, what do you need?

Ruby: Umm, I wanted to ask you something.

Y/N: Go ahead.

Ruby: Could you train me?

Y/N: Train you? When did this come up?

Ruby: I guess the moment I fought against your partner. If we're really going to be fighting two of the strongest ninja ever, I need training from a ninja.

Y/N: You know? It wasn't that long ago that we were enemies.

Ruby: But, you've changed.

Y/N: Hmmm. I'm warning you. If you decide to train under me, it will be harsher than anything Beacon has put you through.

     Ruby nodded at her older brother and soon left. Y/N continued his meditation.

Y/N: (Hmmm. To think I would go from hating my sister to taking her as an apprentice. I do hope she and Yang do not have to face Madara and Sotan.)

     Y/N ended up asking Itachi if he knew anything about the abyssal eye. It was no use, everything Itachi knew he already knew himself. He was back at square one. Doesn't really help that the only other known person with abyssal eyes is trying to start a war against absolutely everyone.

Kisame: Didn't Cross keep scrolls at the old base? Might want to see if their still intact.

Deidara: We should care why? He's a traitor. Hm.

Y/N: Unlike Madara or that dirty snake, at least Cross had good intentions to the end. Also, thanks Kisame. I didn't even think of that.

     Y/N departed from the group and began making his way towards the main gates. He was stopped by his half-sister.

Yang: Where are ya going?

Y/N: Ehh, I wouldn't worry about it.

Yang: Can I come?

Y/N: Don't you have things to do here?

Yang: Not that you know of.

Y/N: My answer is no and before you ask. No, it's not because I hate you, it's because this is a task for myself. That I would like to do solo.

Yang: Hmph, fine. You have fun with that.

     Y/N continued his path, walking out of Vale and towards the Akatsuki's main base. Once arrived, he saw that the base was destroyed.

Y/N: (Damn. Just gotta hope Cross hid his scrolls well.)

     Venturing through the destroyed hideout, Y/N came upon his partner's room. Once inside he began searching the room. After almost an hour of looking, still nothing.

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