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Delilah's POV
Oh my god! Oh my god!" Tilly squeals. "I can't believe I am actually in the presence of the Delilah Cortes!"

Erick Lockheart coughs. "Tilly, manners."

"Oh. Sorry. It's a great honor to be in your presence your murderousness." Lockheart tries to hide his wheeze as he elbows Tilly gently.

I just chuckle. "I wasn't aware that you were bringing along Tilly and Lockheart as well, Reyes," I say.

"You said to bring my best, this is my best."

"Though, Lockhart was a wise -ish decision, I believe you chose the wrong twin," I scoff. Tilly, who was absolutely clueless of the situation just continued to smile with glee. Erick just nods in agreement. "You would've been better off with Alanza, but— it's fine. Just sit. We'll discuss."

The four of us sit down at an old, wooden table covered with dust, like the rest my manor. The entire thing looked like it was about to collapse and Lockheart kept choking because he's allergic to the dust.

"Tea?" I ask.

Tilly's face immediately lights up. "Tea time!?"

"Yes. Why don't you go fetch the kettle in the kitchen?"

Tilly frowns. "I've never been here. I don't know where the kitchen is."

"Then explore," I says. "You'll find it eventually. And don't come back until you have."

Tilly looks at Reyes for approval before he nods his head and she excitedly runs off down the hall.

"Now, what's going on with Isabella or uhm Ash?" I ask shutting the door and staring into Reyes' soul. I walk over to the table and sit.

Lockheart chuckles at my power over Reyes. He knows I am the only person who was more authority than Reyes and he uses that against him. "Nothing is going on," Kai says.

I stand up from my seat and walk towards him slowly. "Don't lie to me, Reyes. All it takes is one snap of my fingers and I can get one of your henchman to kill you," I inhaled slowly. "But lucky for you, if you don't answer honestly, I'll kill you myself with one twist of your neck. Necks snap easy these days."

Reyes sighs because he knows I won't hesitate to kill him. He's just the queen in this one game of chess. The loss of him wouldn't affect me because the minute one of his pawns makes it to the top, they'll become my new queen and Reyes will be kicked to the curb, left to fight for himself and himself only.

"Tilly," I state. "That was quick."

I can feel her grin. "How did you know I had returned with the tea?! I hadn't even made a single sound!" she giggles insanely. She sets up cups for each one of us before pouring the boiling tea from the kettle into the small china cup. Steam pours out of the kettle as much as tea does. She sits down and drinks her tea as well as everyone else does. At least, mostly everyone.

Lockheart and Tilly drink their tea easily as do I but Reyes struggles. And he knows why. I look him in the face and he tries his best to skull the small cup of tea, but he ends up choking and spitting it out.

"Fine! I'll bite!" he yells. "I fucked up big time. I keep lying and my temper gets the best of me and I end up hurting them over and over. I can't control my temper or my actions or my lies. I just get so fucking angry!" he yells throwing the cup of tea across the room resulting in the small china cup bursting and scattering its pieces all over the floor.

Tilly and Lockheart go mad with all the noise and they begin to squeal and yell and howl and whoop and clap their hands. I smirk, "You know I need Ash to commit. Do something about it then."

Battle of the Queer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now