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"My name is Christopher, but you can call me Chris. Also, from now on, I'm calling you Tilly, or at least until we get out of here. Hurry kid," he pushes me under his hospital bed. Something about the name Tilly reminds me of something. Something. "Keep your feet off the ground," he says. The doctor opens his door. He starts groaning, "Aagh!! Aghhhhhh!"

"Christopher? Christopher, what's wrong?" the doctor says.

"I got a cramp again!" he yelled.

"What were you doing out of bed?" she asks walking over. I see nothing but their feet from under the hospital bed.

"I was trying to stretch my leg like you told me to," he still groaning and clutching his leg.

"We can stretch it a bit later, you need to eat now because you didn't eat this morning," she said.

"Okay. Thank you, Cassie," he said sweetly. I felt him get onto the hospital bed and pick his crutches up from the side of the bed.

"You want me to take you in the hospital bed today? You usually ask me to push you in the wheelchair," she states.

"Yes. Unfortunately my back has been bothering me lately. I think it's best if I relax for today so I can be discharged later," he says.

"Very well," she says unhooking the bed from the wall.

After the doctor pushes the hospital bed into the hallway, Chris gasps, "Oh Tilly! Don't fall to the floor, Tilly!" he giggles. "Keep your feet up! Up, up, up!"

"Oh. Tilly. How is she doing?" the doctor asks.

"Let's find out shall we?" Chris says. "Tilly? Oh Ti-Tilly?" he giggles. "How have you been?"

Am I supposed to answer? Am I supposed to say Oh I'm fine. Just sneaking out of a hospital. The usual, how are you, Chris?

"She says she's wonderful, hehe!"Chris continues to laugh his childish giggle.

"Well that's just fine," the doctor laughs sarcastically, but I'm not sure if Chris was able to tell. "Why don't you tell Tilly that she can come back later, because you have to eat right now."

"Well why can't Tilly stay and join us for tea?" Chris giggles. "Everyone loves a good tea party!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you and Tilly then, I have other patients to attend to," the doctor says.

"Pity," Chris sighs. "Well, maybe next time. Now if you don't mind, I'd appreciate some alone time with my darling friend, Tilly," he says.

I'm assuming the doctor nodded or something because then she left the room.

"Hey, kid. You can come out now," Chris says.

I fidget around under the hospital bed until I'm able to work myself out from under the bars. "Hey, thanks," I smile. "Can I have some of this?" I ask pointing at the food placed on his tray. "I haven't eaten."

He sarcastically laughs. "Yeah, if you want to be sane, go ahead."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"They put meds in all my food. It supposed to calm my brain and make me think sane-er thoughts. It's supposed to take away my insane for a little bit," he laughs. "They think I'm dumb enough to not know."

"Wait," I start. "Who is Tilly?"

He looks down at his injured foot for a little bit then says, "Tilly was a good friend of mine. I haven't seen her in about two days. We were joined at the hip, it hurts not to have her around."

"Oh. But you get discharged from the hospital today, then you'll get to see her!" I smile trying to make things positive again, the way that Delilah always would.

He sighs. "Yeah, if I can find her that is." He gets up from his hospital bed and grabs his crutches. He gets up to throw his med-infested food in the trash. "Alright, kid. Time to get you out of here." He sits back down on the hospital bed and pressed the button on it, the one that calls the nurse.

Chris points under the hospital bed again, indicating that he wants me to get back under it. A few minutes later, the doctor walks back into the room.

"Have you eaten your lunch?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am. It was delicious and now I no longer have an empty stomach."

"Very well. Are you ready to be discharged then?"

"Yes ma'am. I am ready to go home. And do you mind bringing me to my car in the hospital bed? My back is still aching."

"Uh. Sure. And Christopher, don't forget to ice your leg every afternoon."

"Yes ma'am."

She begins pushing the hospital bed through the hallways again until a buzzer goes off. Doors open and the floor changes from tile to concrete. The wheels scratch against the sidewalk and soon the black top. We begin to slow down as we approach a car.

"Do you need help getting in, Christopher?" the doctor asks. "No, it's fine."

"Tilly! Her spine is turned! Now, Tilly!" he screams.

I have no idea how I know what that meant. But I knew it was my chance to get in his car. And at that point I realised that I was sneaking out of a hospital. Not to mention getting into the car of a complete stranger who was also criminally insane. But I get in anyway knowing that this was my only way out.

The doctor turns her head at the sound of the car door closing shut. "What was that sound?" the doctor asked taking a step closer to Chris.

He giggles. "Tilly, waiting in the car for me! She's out now! She's out of the car!" he squealed with excitement.

"The doctor nodded her head and said, "Well, Christopher. I guess this is goodbye, it's been a pleasure. I must go back inside now," she nods again and pushes the hospital bed towards the hospital again.

Chris crutches over to the car and opens the front left door. He puts his crutches inside first then carries himself inside. "Okay, kid. Where to?"

Just realising that the entire time he's either called me Tilly or kid, I say, "Um. I have a name you know."  I click in my seatbelt.

"You're name is not Tilly."

"Obviously!" I yell. "My name is Ash!"

"Whatever, kid," he laughs and starts the engine of his car. "So answer my question, where to?"

"I-I didn't think I'd make it this far to be honest," I said slowly. "Wait! Do you have a phone?"

"I mean I should," he checks his pockets. "Unless—" he stops, his voice was shaking and getting raspier. "Hey, kid. Check that box behind you in the trunk."

I nod and unbuckle my seatbelt. I sit up and turn my body the other way to grab the shoebox sitting behind me.

"Open it," he says. "See if there's anything useful in there."

I open the box un sure of what I will find. When I completely take the lid off, there are a bunch of pieces of broken china in the box. Colourful china.

"What is this?" I ask. "It's-It's just glass."

"Glass?" he breathes, turning around to see for himself. A soft gasp escapes his mouth before he says, "It's not just glass." I give him a puzzled look and he says, "It's hope."

Battle of the Queer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now