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After Jack's mom picked us up and brought me home, i rushed to my room and grabbed my notebook. "My Lost Lovers", a book of boys and girls i've had crushes on. "Mysterious Singing Beer Boy"? Omg no. "Angelic Beer Demon"? Agh i can't. "Dominant Music Angel", i like it. I wrote in today's date to indicate the day we met. Or at least the day i saw him first considering i didn't really meet him.

My heart rate speeds up as I get a message from Jack.

Jack: I had a great time today! I hope we can do it again sometime :)

I had a great time too. At least i think i did. I was having a great time until Dominant Music Angel showed up and took my attention away from Jack. Agh why'd he have to be so perfect?

Me: I had fun too! I'd love to do it again soon :)

I honestly don't think i want to do it again soon. Would we be going to the same place? Or would he take me somewhere more fun than a crusty ol' restaurant.

I can't stop thinking about how Dominant Music Angel winked at me before Jack and I left the restaurant. His eyes glimmered with what i hope was the love, passion and affection he has for me. Oh who am i kidding. He's probably dating that waitress from Spikes and Duces. Or even better, he's probably dating some super sexy model who can sing like an angel too. I bet she is way prettier than myself. No wonder someone like me ends up dating someone like Jack.

Woah, woah, woah. Ash. What's wrong with Jack?

Oh no i didn't mean it like that! There's nothing wrong with Jack! He's amazing

So what did you mean? Huh, Ash? Huh?

I don't know, Ash. I don't know.

Agh. My head hurts. I continue to mentally yell and slap myself.

I bet Isabella would have been able to get a date with DMA (dominant music angel)! I bet Isabella would have gotten his attention real quick. Actually no. She wouldn't have. She's just as pathetic as myself. There's nothing different about her.

For once in my life, i can not wait to go to school tomorrow. I hope it will get my mind off of DMA and back onto my boyfriend. I feel filthy and unloyal for secretly crushing on a boy i don't even know. I also have Delilah's birthday to look forward to, which is in about a week and a half away. I still need to buy a gift. Hopefully Jack can help me choose because he's known her just as long as I have. I'll have to ask my mom to take me to the store soon.






*BEEP* *BEEP* *BE—-*

I throw my arm onto my alarm and catapult myself out of bed.

Throw on a nice cold shoulder shirt and ripped jeans. I should look good the day after my date to show i enjoyed it, i thought. "Look good, feel good" right? Today's going to be a good day.

After my mom drives me to school, i walk into the building saying "Good morning," to everyone i passed. Some said it back, others gave me weird looks. But Jack, gave me a kiss.

Lunch came. We all sit down at our usual table. We wait for Cecily who we begin to worry about. She's never late; to anything.

Right when lunch is about over, Cecily bursts through the door smiling, and staring at her phone.

"Where have you been? We were waiting for you," Delilah says grabbing her lunch. None of us dare touch our food without all of us being at the table. We were starved.

"Huh? Oh sorry. I was busy," Cecily says looking down at her phone again. I look at Jack and Delilah and we all want to ask 'busy doing what?' but we know we should respect Cecily's privacy.

"Okay, Cecily. You're always rambling about how being on your phone while talking to people is rude. So why are you doing it yourself?" Delilah says snatching Cecily's phone out of her hand and reading who she is talking to.


"Wait. Who's Kai?" Delilah smiles. "Do you have a girlfriend?! Hehe!"

"Uh I'm pretty sure Kai is a boy name," Jack scoffs.

"Seems pretty feminine to me," i say.

"I'm not sure what gender they are. So i haven't referred to them at all," Cecily whispers.

"Oh no. That means you don't know what they look like."

"Not exactly. I just started talking to them. They first called themselves my "secret admirer". And i think i really, really like them." Perks of being pansexual i guess. "And they'll be arriving at this school in a few days. That's why i'm so excited!" Cecily giggles. "They're coming from a different continent!" And what really bugs me is that Cecily can't remember my them:they pronouns, but she can remember this kid's

I could tell she was really looking forward to meeting her admirer. She was buzzing. I've never seen her so happy, especially over someone she's never met.

"Another continent?!" Delilah gasps. "Which one?"

"They're coming from——"

The bell rung.

"Sorry! I'm gonna be late! We can talk later!" Cecily says before heading off in the direction of her locker staring at her phone once again.

"Do you really think her admirer is coming to this school?"

"I sure hope not," Jack sighs. "I feel another disbanding coming on."

Over the years of our friendship. We have all argued and "disbanded" from our friend group. It's a hard time for all of us, especially the person who disbanded.


I hope that whoever Cecily is waiting for is worth it. I don't want her going through the heartbreak. I hate watching my friend go through it. From when Amelia lost her grandmother to cancer, how Cecily almost lost her sister from taking a slab of concrete to the head, how Delilah lost her 'favourite' brother to suicide. And for all of us, when we lost our friend Brae to Australia.

I have to give Delilah some credit though. I'd say she's the one in our friend group who's gone through the most bullshit and still has the best attitude. She always seems happy, even when she isn't. I wish i could pull something like that off. Maybe my life wouldn't seem as depressing if i could just pretend it wasn't.

"Tomorrow's a new day for positive thoughts," she always say. So that's how i decide i will start the day tomorrow. I will start tomorrow with positive thoughts. And hopefully i'll be able to maintain that positivity throughout the day. I deserve to be happy as much as anyone else does.

Tomorrow's a new day.

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