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After running out of the restaurant we run toward the fence which is wide open from when the police barged in. Running past it, Kai pushes me to continue running and he closes the fence door and tried to lock it. I'm already half way down the block so i stop and turn around.

Theres Kai motioning me to continue running. "Don't look back, keep running and DO NOT STOP!!" he yells. So i do as i'm told and continue running.

Before i continue running i see the police whisper something into the walking talkie he has him his hand.


I'm getting out of breathe so i hide behind a building. Then i see the police car driving right behind me. But because i'm in an alleyway, they continue straight. I'm safe, but where is Kai.

I hear something, i believe it's the police who have found me, so i duck down behind the dumpster. Then i see someone drop down in front of it.

"Holy shit," i say. The person who dropped down in front of me from the roof was Kai.

"That was close. Are you okay?"

"Yes! That was scary but i kind of liked it." And i'm not lying. It may have been dangerous but it gave me a sort of insane rabid joy. And i told Kai exactly that.

"Well the chemicals in The Poison Kitchen tend to do that to people," he laughs. "Here, put this on," he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a paper air mask like the one he was wearing. (😷). "Just in case we get caught," he winks at me. I give him a panicked look before he laughs and says just kidding, but i put it on anyway.

"Was this part of your plan? To get caught by the police?" i laugh.

Then i jump with fear as i hear in the distance "Look! There they are! Get them!"

"Fuck. We gotta go," Kai says grabbing my wrist again. "And no matter what happens, DON'T STOP RUNNING."

We're running down the alleyway we were standing in and reach a dead end. "Fuck," he yells. "We need to get onto the roof."

"T-The roof?" i panick. I'm scared of heights, but i don't think this is the best time to be telling Kai that.

"Yeah, come on!" he says. He runs over to the the end of the alleyway and bangs on this old dirty, dusty window and says, "Hey! Hey Erick! Help a brother out huh?" and before i even have time to blink an old rusty ladder leading to the roof comes crashing down from above us. "And cover our tracks will ya? Thanks mate, i appreciate it," then he looks at me and says, "After you."

I begin to climb the latter, i was terrified. The latter looked really old, it could've snapped at any time. Almost at the top of the latter, my foot slips and i fall. Hanging by one hand, i feel it slipping.

"Give me your hand," Kai says. And i'm shocked because i wanna know how the hell he got to the roof before me especially without using the latter. I reach for his hand and grab onto him.

"There they are! Get them!" the police scream after turning the corner into the alleyway we were in.

Kai is trying to hold onto me but i'm slipping. All of a sudden i feel someone trying to push me up from behind. Next thing i know i'm on the roof.

"Erick, my man!" Kai yell-laughs.

"Yeah, yeah. You can thank me later, Reyes. The cops are still on your tail, and now mine too," Erick says. We gotta run. I can see that now.

"As if," Kai laughs. And i'm thinking Reyes? Is his real name Reyes? And he like reads my mind or something because he says, "It's my last name, not my first name. And i'm like squinting because i feel like i've heard that before. The last name Reyes. I don't remember where it's from, but i've heard it before; it's on the tip of my tongue.

"Come on they're right there!" the police yell, beginning to climb the ladder.

"Let's go," Kai says. Him, myself, and Erick all go running along the roof top. We reach the edge of the building and i know they're going to want me to jump to the next one because that's what happens in the movies.

Without stopping his run, Erick jumps to the next building and continues. Then Kai seems to notice that i'm not going to jump.

"Come on. You have to," and i feel a lump in my throat because i want to start crying. Kai is so incredible because he always manages to read my mind every time. "Don't cry. Just jump, give me your hand."

I do as he says, i take his hand, and i hold it tighter than anything. He chuckles and says, "Ready." I'm about to say no but we start running anyway. "Don't hold back," he says.

I nod my head and we run across the top of the building and he steers me through the air. I look down at the floor and feel my heart sinks completely. Kai, who continues to read my mind holds on my waist and guides me onto the next building. And i love it. Next thing i know i'm flying over the tops of tens of buildings behind Erick and Kai. It was the most fun i've had in a very long time.

"We have to get back onto ground level," Erick suggests. "We're running out of buildings." I internally groan because i'm having so much fun running and jumping from building to building.

Kai nods his head and says, "We should get off right here, there's a hit with a shorted building right here."

So we get off the building where Kai says we should. Erick makes a quick text and as soon as he hits send another ladder comes down for me to make it down to ground level again. Kai and Erick just swing off metal poles and a bunch of others stuff to jump back onto the ground without the ladder.

And as soon as i hear them hit the ground Kai goes, "Oh fuck."

"What's wrong—" i start. I finish going down the ladder, dust off my hands and look to see what he's 'Oh fuck' ing about.

And there they were. The police. A good five of them.
Ready with their handcuffs, and ready to possibly shoot.

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