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Fear strikes my heart. He led us right to the police. He did. After all this running away he led us right back to them. They knew exactly where we were going to get onto ground level. What a coincidence!

"Take those masks off, both of you," the police say.

Kai slyly looks over at me and slowly and cautiously shakes his head, just enough for me to see but not enough for the police to.

Then Kai looks all nervous as he takes his gaze off of me and looks at Erick. Erick wasn't wearing a mask so i could see his weird evil smirk. Erick coughs to hide the fact that he nodded his head, but i think the police were able to tell.

All of a sudden, Kai grabs my wrist with one hand and punches the police with the other hand. Erick does the same and punches two other policemen and we make a run for it.

"Are you crazy?" i yell right before i hear the police yell, "After them! And don't let them get away this time!"

"I'm not crazy, i'm mad. Now let's go!" Kai yells.

We start running across the street and i don't recognise any of the buildings or anything around us. I don't know how far from home i am. I don't even know what time it is. I turned my phone off after the police came. All i know is it's late, because everything is dark. But there's no time to turn my phone back on now.

We're running and Erick pulls us into another alleyway that could lead to another window which one of their friends or whatever is behind. Which means their friend would lower the ladder to help us—or help me get back onto the roof and running again considering that Kai and Erick didn't need the ladder.

However, in order to get to the window you need to get past another fence.

"Ash, give me your hair thingy again so i can pop open the gate," Kai says.

"Why do you need to open then fence? Just jump it," Erick says.

"She doesn't know how to jump a fence," Kai explains.

Erick starts laughing. Basically wheezing if i'm being honest. "She doesn't know how to jump a fence?" he wheezes. "That's priceless!"

"They!" i yell. "I'm non-binary!"

"We're running out of time! Are you gonna open the bloody gate or what?" Erick complains.

Kai checks his shoulder and sees the police are rounding the corner and about to start running toward us. "There's no time!" he yells. "Ash. You're gonna need to jump it. Trust me on this."

"I- I can't!" i scream. "I just can't!"

Then all of a sudden Kai pulls my face close to his with one hand and snakes the other around my waist and pulls me even closer. He crashes his lips onto mine and it feels like a thousand stars falling onto me, and i'm done. I feel paralysed. I can't move. I'm frozen. It's beautiful. It was nothing like the way Jack kissed me. The way Jack kissed me was soft, cautious, easy. The way Kai kissed me. It was fire. Rough, spiraling. And before i know it, he shoves his tongue down my throat.

After he breaks the kiss he says, "Thank me later." He pecks me one last time and takes my hand. He starts running toward the fence so my instinct is to run with him. The police were no farther than a few feet away from us, then it felt like everything went in slow motion.

We're running toward the fence and i assume we're going to bash into the fence hoping it will open after we do. Until Kai yells "Jump!" and my body sort of disobeys me and says "Okay, sure!" then jumps, even though my mind told it not to.

We jump and he forces me up and over the fence. I practically glided over his chest as i go over the fence. I land swiftly and softly on my feet next to Erick who i didn't know had already jumped the fence. I begin to run along side Erick.

"Wait where's Reyes?" he says turning around to look behind us. "Oh shit."

I turn around to see what he was referring to and there I see Kai, on the top of the high ass fence, with the cops below him. He's stuck on the top of the fence with what looks like a necklace and a bracelet caught onto the fence. He throws his head back, his eyes start to water and his lips mouthed he word, "Fuck."

"Just take off the jewlery before they get you!" i yell.


"He doesn't take them off. Ever," Erick whispers.

I shake my head and ask, "Why not?"

"It's not my place to tell."

"Keep running! Take the lass home!" Kai yells. "Safely! And cover her tracks!" he continues, "All of them!"

"You heard the lad," Erick says. "Let's go."

Erick grabs my arm and pulls me toward the window, taps on the window and has the ladder dropped down. We get back onto the roof, and continue running, leaving Kai behind.

"So where do you live?" Erick asks.

"In Lewiston," i say.

"LEWISTON?!" he yells. And the way he yells it is so exaggerated and loud that i can't help but laugh. "That's so far away!"

"What do you mean?" i ask. "Where are we?"

"CONCORD!" he screams. "What the fuck are you doing in Concord?!"

"Concord? I've never heard of it."

"Concord, New Hampshire?" he says.

"New Hampshire?!" i scream. "We're in New Hampshire?!"

"Here let's sit down," he walks over to the edge of the roof we're on and sits down. Erick seems chill. A pretty good looking guy. Black hair, black shiny eyes. Olive skin. "So why did Le—," he pauses. "Kai. Why did Kai bring you to the next state over?"

"His real name starts with an L, doesn't it," i ask.

"It's not my place to tell you. Now answer my question or i won't bring you home."

"I don't know," i say.

"Give me your phone. You have a phone right?"

"Of course I have a phone," i say checking my pocket.

"You can't find it, can you," he asks. "You lost your phone."

I nod my head. "My moms gonna kill me!"

Erick chuckles, "Does she know you're out?"

"I didn't tell her i was leaving. I didn't think i'd be long," he shakes his head before saying, "It won't be long before she starts a search party for you," he laughs again.

"Why?" i ask. "What time is it?"

He looks down at his phone, "1:17 am."

"Oh god. Moms gonna kill me."

"Alright, let's go pipsqueak," he starts. "If you wanna get home we should start now."

And as much as i hate to admit it, he's right. So i obey him and we start to run on the roofs of buildings again.

And all i can think about is how we left Kai behind, with the cops right there with him. And no matter what Erick says, I can't shake the fact that it's my fault.

Battle of the Queer [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن