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Is it him? I thought. Is it really him?

The boy Cecily was making out with against the locker. One of his eyes were green and the other was red. But the boy in front of me had two green eyes. The green eyes had the same shade to them though. Bright, bright, deep but clear green eyes. The greenest eyes i've seen in a few years. His eyes remind me of someone. Someone. I can't think of who. It's on the tip of my tongue. I know i'll come up with the name later on though so i leave the thought in a pocket of my brain and try to process everything else that's happening at the moment.

"Who are you?" i spit. Frankly, i don't want to know who he is. I mean i do, but i don't want to have to deal with him after knowing who he is. Because after asking who he is, he's going to continue talking to me.

"Call me Kai," he says. "For now."

I internally go Ohhh even though i feel like i already knew it was him. "So Kai ain't your real name is it?" i ask trying to act tough so he leaves me alone.

"Oou. Ain't. Look who's tryna act all tough, n shit," he laughs reading me like a script. "Stop tryna act all ghetto babe. That shit don't work on me."

And i completely forget about the rest of what he just said as i say, "Babe? Do you even hear yourself?"
i laugh.

He turns my body to face him. "Come with me."

And i can't believe i forgot about him. "Wait. Where's Jack?"

"Amelia? Oh ion know. Probably at her house."

"His name is Jack! And he's a boy! But wait you don't know where he is? But he texted me to meet him here?" i gasp.

"Oh. Yeah about that, that was me," he laughs. Surprise!"

"What? How?"

"I may or may not have hacked home girl's phone."

"Boy!" I correct. "Wait but I don't understand. Why do you want to meet me?"

He grabbed my hand and began to drag me across the park and into the street. "Just follow me."

And I'm not sure why I feel the urge to follow his every order, but I do. Willingly.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he's still dragging me down the street.

He groans. "Do you always talk this much? Just relax." I do as he says. I obey.

After walking for what felt like an hour, we arrive to an alleyway. A fence blocking it. At the end of it all there's a small sign that reads 'The Poison Kitchen'.

"All right. C'mon luv," he says letting go of my hand. He starts backing up a bit then sprints toward the fence, jumps and smoothly glides over the top of it landing softly on the other side of it.

"Are we allowed to go back there?" I ask.

"That's besides the point," he laughs. "Now let's go."

"Wait you want me, to jump over the fence?"

"A bit slow in the head aren't ya? Yes, I want ye to jump the fence."

"But- But I don't know how to," i say.

Then he just starts laughing. He slaps his thighs and continues to laugh. "Quite a sense of humour ya got. Alright, alright. Enough horsing around. Let's go."

I continue to stand on the other side of the fence looking up at him.

"Oh! Don't tell me you really don't know how to jump a fence!" he yell-laughs. He continues so stand there slapping his thighs and laughing.

Battle of the Queer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now