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✔️The next day✔️

I decided to walk to school today, i felt good. Happy. I couldn't wait to get to school. Ash. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I am Ash. I've been Ash. I just didn't know it. I can't wait for school.


"Jessica Alverez?"
"Samuel Asan?"
"Will Estefan?"
"Isabella García?" I frown. My name is Ash. "Here" I croak.
"Estella Mendoza?"
"Cecily Mongreege?"
"It's Mongridge. And I'm here" she says. Amelia looks at her and chuckles. Not one teacher we've had has said Cecily's last name correctly.

"Camila Rodrigues?"
"Alex Suárez?"
"Stephanie Thomson?"
"Lilian Thiugh?"
"Jack VanLake?"
I snap my neck in the direction of Amelia. Amelia's last name is VanLake.
"Here" she smiles. Jack? She wants her— he wants his name to be Jack? How'd he get the teacher to change it to Jack? And more importantly how do I get the teacher to call me Ash?

I take my phone out of my pocket and start texting the group chat.
Me: Jack?
Amelia: Yes?
Me: Your new name is Jack?
Amelia: Ye its official now. U don't like it?

What the hell am I supposed to tell her? HIM! FUCK. This is gonna take some getting used to.

Me: Of course! I love it!
Jack: Great
Cecily: Could u 2 💖 🐦s stop txting? Ur gonna get us all in trble!
Delilah: Ye shes right! Wait. They forgot to call my name in attendance again! Hehe! I'll say something later

I look at Jack from across the room. He's blushing. Why is he blushing? Wait. Love birds? aaaaa panick panick aaaa fuckkkk. Does Cecily know about my crush on Amelia? —JACK!! Shit.. Did she find out? How could that be possible? I made sure that nobody except for myself and Delilah knew.

Delilah's never told a secret in her life. So that's why i trust her with mine [my life]. She usually forgets all the secrets I tell her anyways. She said something along the lines of "maybe it's just your imagination." That's Delilah for sure; always talking about imagination. How I could be imagination, how she could, how the world could. A little mad that girl was, but she was my best friend and i loved her for it.

I doubt that Delilah told anyone. But i should probably check just in case

Me: Hey Lil?
Delilah: Yes?
Me: You didn't tell Cecily or anyone about my crush on Amelia right?
Me: Jack***
Delilah: Oh i forgot about that! Nah you're secrets safe with me hehe :)

I look at Jack from across the room and he gives me a warm smile. Beautiful he is. His freckles appear periodically of his face and his smile is from ear to ear. Always smiling. Always happy.


After class is over Jack pulls me aside. He looks at me with concern.

"Hey can we talk later?" Uh oh. She told. As soon as i reminded Delilah, she told. Fuck! What am i supposed to do? "Alone?"

"Yeah sure. Um when?"

"Meet me in the bathroom on the fourth floor," he says.

I smile and nod my head. "Okay."

I walk to my locker and put my bag away. I take my phone out of my pocket and text Amelia. JACK! Agh how long is getting used to this going to take.

Me: Did you want to meet right now?
Jack: Already here.

Fuck. Now i gotta run all the way upstairs. My locker is on the second floor.

Panting, I finally open the door to the bathroom where Jack is waiting for me. He smiles and walks over. "Thanks for coming," he says. "I've wanted to tell you this for a while."

Uh-oh. "Oh?"

"Ash..." he pauses and fidgets with the string on his hoodie. "I like you." He looks down at his feet then continues playing with his string. "A lot."

I'm aghast. I don't know what to say or what to think. My heart flutters with both pain that he didn't tell me sooner and happiness that I wasn't rejected for once in my life. It beats out of my chest. The love i feel for this boy is eating me alive and i want him. I want to feel him. I want to hold him. I want to touch him.

"I like you too," i smile.

All i remember after that is that he leaned in. He looked at my lips. I looked at his eyes the entire time. He was beautiful. Light brown eyes, small tints of green in them. He looked back up into my eyes as if asking for permission. His left arm wrapped itself around my waist while the other held me face. Then he placed his lips on mine carefully. Slowly. Softly. That had been my first kiss. It didn't last very long, maybe two seconds. I knew it was his first kiss too.

Once he backed away, i couldn't help but smile. He looked at me and smiled too, his arms still around me. He then realised i was surprised and apologised.

"I-It's fine," i stutter. "I just wasn't expecting it that's all."

He smiles. "I want to date you, Ash. I've known you for the longest time. You're the most incredible person i know. And i want you to be mine."

Internally i panick, externally, i smile. Just kidding i probably panicked externally too.

I nod my head. "So do i."

He chuckles and takes my hand. "So are we going to make it official?"

I grin as he cradles my face in his hand once more and lays his lips on mine like a warm blanket. I thought the first kiss was amazing, but this one was magical. And i couldn't be happier.

Battle of the Queer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now