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You woke up, wrapped in a blanket with your puppy laid on top of your legs. You slowly moved your legs being careful not to disturb the little one.

"Jimin? Where are you?" You called out but you didn't get a reply. You got up without disturbing the puppy and walked into the kitchen. "Jimin?" No answer. This time, you started to get more worried. He didn't have work today and his car was still in the driveway and so was yours. You looked in the upstairs rooms which were no use as he wasn't in any of them. The only place that was left was the bathroom. You walked over to the white door and reached for the handle but as you twisted it, it stopped halfway to signal it was locked.

"Jimin? Are you in there?" You questioned, the only sound you heard was a groan that made you panic. "Jimin! Are you okay?" You shouted, trying to open the door again but failing as it was still locked. You ran downstairs and grabbed a knife from the kitchen to try and pick at the lock. You managed to twist it and unlock the door, you didn't even look at where you were throwing the knife before ploughing into the bathroom. In there you see a pale, sweaty looking Jimin. The sight made you feel sick. You could feel your throat swell up.

"Oh my god! You're burning up Jimin!" You placed your hand on his forehead and chest to check if he was burning all over, and he was.

"Jimin, what's happening? How long have you been in here for?" Questions kept coming out but no answers were received. You grabbed a flannel from the bath handles and rinsed it with water before placing it on his, hot, sweaty forehead. His eyes kept rolling back and he was shaking viciously at points. He tried to reach for your hand but it fell as he lost consciousness. You grabbed your phone of the toilet lid and phoned for an ambulance before texting the others to let them know.

"Jimin's not well, I've had to call an ambulance and he wont respond to me, he's lost consciousness, guys help me! What do I do!?"

Not long after you sent the message, you could hear sirens becoming louder and louder. You held Jimin's hand, waiting for them to come in. They knocked on the door so you shouted for them to come in. As soon as they heard you, they barged into the house and run upstairs. When they reached the bathroom, you moved to Jimin's right side so they could access him easier. They did all sorts of blood tests and wrote down a lot of notes. In the end, Jimin had to be rushed to hospital for further tests.

Whilst in the ambulance, you heard your phone ringing.


"Y/N! Where are you?!"

You didn't exactly know how to answer that question as you were in a different country to them aswell as a hospital you didn't even know.

"We're at the hospital."

Before you could hear anything else from the other side, your phone died, leaving Jin on the other side worrying even more than usual.

"Oh Jimin, what are we going to do? Whats happening to you?" You spoke to him quietly, even though he couldn't hear you, you still did it.

20 minutes later

You finally arrived at the hospital which felt like it was hours away from your house. They wheeled Jimin on the stretcher and into the building. You followed after them, watching Jimin being wheeled around. They found a place for him on the third floor, where they hooked him up to many machines to keep an eye on him. The doctors and nurses kept coming in and out repeatedly to take blood from him. You sat down in the chair they offered you beside the bed.

After hours of being at the hospital, the doctor came through and asked to speak privately.

"What is it doc? He isn't seriously damaged right?" You asked more and more questions, making it harder for the doctor to speak himself.

"Well, we have worked out what the problem was, he had a stroke, a major one that if you didn't bring him to the hospital sooner, he could've fatally died on the spot."

The way the doctor said that was as if it would have been your fault if you left him and tried to deal with it on your own. You nodded your head at him and smiled before thanking him and then asking if Jimin was going to be okay.

"Unfortunately, we don't know, he could be here for days, weeks, months and we wont know but all we can do for now is just wait and see how his body copes with everything. Me and the nurses will check on him every half an hour so he wont be left for too long but if anything happens that's not right, please inform one of the staff and press the emergency button next to his bed. But don't worry, I'm sure he'll be okay."

You thanked the doctor one more time before returning to Jimin's side. When you reached his bed, you saw that he was staring out of the window.

"Hey baby, you're awake, how are you feeling?" You asked him but all he did was turn his head to you and then back at the window to resume what he was doing before you interrupted him. You walked closer to him and kneeled down next to him, catching his eye, he followed your every move. He smiled and reached out for your hand which you gave him.

"I'm feeling a little better, what happened?" He said, slowly moving his stiff neck.

"You had a stroke, but the doctors said you'll be fine." You smiled at him as you kissed his forehead. Although the doctor said he'd be fine, he didn't sound it nor looked it.

"That's not possible, I couldn't of had a stroke, their lying to you." He sounded as if he was going insane. You squeezed his hand and nodded your head.

"You did, they ran all sorts of tests out on you, it came back as you had a stroke." You hadn't noticed but tears were forming in his eyes.

"Jimin, its okay, you're gonna be fine, I promise." But he just kept shaking his head saying no. You asked him why he's not going to be okay and the answer you got sent chills down your spine and made your blood run cold.

"Because now I only have a limited time left to live. When I was born my parents were told that if I ever had a stroke, then my life would end that same day...And here's that day."

None of this made sense to you and you didn't understand what was going on. There was no way what he said was true....Right?


So I updated! Sorry if this all seems like a blur tbh I'm even confusing myself with my own story. I'm sorry if its been terrible but its all I can do right now, I'm sorry if ya'll are disappointed, I know that you expect more better writing than this. I'm ashamed of myself so don't worry, I know its not okay. I'll try and update again but better soon <3

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