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I'm sad...
I feel like crying :) Yayyy

Oof, send me away in a hot air balloon.

He really is an angel, hes like my pain killerHe works slowlyBut in the end, he makes the pain go away if I'm patient

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He really is an angel, hes like my pain killer
He works slowly
But in the end, he makes the pain go away if I'm patient.


I still wanna cry and its gone past midnight and I just don't know what to do anymore.

I'm sorry if I don't post much, my mental state is rising and my doctors are getting worried but I'll be fine. Everyone says I will and I hope their right.

Do you ever want to do something but you'd only do it if you could rewind time and relive it again? I know I would.

I have a kitty cat on me.


24/03/19 - 4 days till my birthday :/

My Bully//JK FF Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt