Confusion, truth, lies.

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[Right, so sorry that I didn't update soon enough! My head is kinda everywhere right now but it's fine, I'll be updating a lot more. If I don't update for a while it's because I've started school again- I can't wait for it to be over, I've only got a year and more than a half left!]



Your arms let go of the boys who seemed to know Jungkook. They both looked at you and back at each other.

"Y/N...was you...cheating on me with my best friend?" Jungkook cleared his throat. Your eyes widened at the sentence, causing you to instantly reply in shock.

"No! Of course I didn't! Taehyung w-was just walking me h-home." You spoke, stepping forwards. Jungkook did the same but then stopped when he was right next to you.

"Then why couldn't you ask me to take you home, Princess?" His words sent down your spine and before you know it, he had a tight grip on your arms.

"Ow! Jungkook, y-you're hurting m-me!" You yelped in pain as he carried on grabbing tightly. It got to a point where you started spilling tears everywhere. Taehyung was following Jungkook, as if everything was normal.

"So, what are we doing with her?" You heard him ask Jungkook.

"Taehyung, what do you think I'm going to do with her? It's obvious I'm going to do what I've always wanted to." He smiled and laughed along with Taehyung.

'I'm going to do what I've always wanted.' What did this mean? What had he always wanted?

You stayed silent all the way there, except from when he asked you questions. You were frightened of him.

The three of you finally reached the destination that they were achieving to reach. It wasn't local, neither was it private. It was just a really silent street.

"Follow me, don't be scared." Taehyung said, walking into a dark alley way, before turning a left and then a right, where he stopped at a door, covered in signs.

'Beware of the loudness'
'Don't enter unless said'
'Chemical waste'

He opened it and you instantly got the smell of smoke. You inhale the fumes a few times and then you felt a tight wheeze in your chest. Jungkook knew exactly what was going on.

"Shit." He said aloud, rushing towards you and covering your face with his chest. Before you could even look, there were other voices, which meant more people.

"Stop smoking, Jesus! This room stinks and this one has asthma!" He yelled. They all stayed silent until you head some chairs moving.

"Jungkook, you shouldn't have brought her down here, we could've met her tomorrow." His voice sound soothing and calm.

Jungkook quietly replied, holding onto you more. -

"She wasn't going to be mine...she found all those people you were texting off of my phone." He raised his voice when he got to the word 'you'.

"Jungkook-ah, please don't be mad, I'm sorry but I was needy~" the other whined. You pulled your head out of his chest and turned around to face the others. There was five of them, sat round a table except the one that was stood in front of the table.

"Jin-hyung, she means everything to me and because of you, I've lost her!" Jungkook started crying.

"J-jungkook....a-are you...crying?" The shortest one got up and rushed to the others side.

You couldn't help but run up to him and kiss his cheeks, then his forehead. Then his lips, he was still slightly sobbing while you kissed but he was okay with it after. He moulded his lips into the kiss and soon after, he was smiling again.

"I'm sorr-"

"No, I'm sorry." You interrupted, you held onto his hand and squeezed it before continuing.

"I'm sorry, I should've let you explain. I'm sorry I took you as a fuckboy who uses girls. I never knew how much you felt for me, but now I can truly see that you feel a lot." He smiled at you the whole time, ignoring that there was about five, six people behind cooing.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Jungkook."

[Okay, well that didn't take me long. Jeez. Well anyway, I don't know what to do next, should I do a full break-up or should I do a leading one with a back story? I dunno, I'll find something ♡ Vote for me!!! Also, follow me if you're not already!!!]

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